Elec­tric­al En­gin­eer­ing and In­form­a­tion Tech­no­logy News

In the eighth episode of the Electrical Engineering podcast "Current Affairs", Lars Luchterhandt talks to our host, Tim Hetkämper, about appointment committees and what's behind them.

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In the seventh episode of the Electrical Engineering podcast "Current Affairs", Hannes Geilhorn talks to our host, Olga Friesen, about the tasks, offers and activities of the student council.

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Highly accurate, ultra-fast and energy-efficient information processing is required in many applications, whether in communication systems, when using artificial intelligence or when working with precision measuring devices.

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At the symposium "The future of mobility in rural areas" on 6 and 7 November, the focus will be on solutions that drive forward the mobility transition: It is about technical innovations in public transport, innovative authorisation procedures for autonomous driving and new business models through smart services.

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Arbeit­er­Kind.de Kennen­lern-Work­shop in Pader­born

Am 12.10. bietet Sabine Hoffmann zusammen mit der Moderatorin Nicole Reckmann einen ArbeiterKind.de Kennenlern-Workshop in Paderborn an. ArbeiterKind.de ermutigt Schüler:innen aus Familien ohne Hochschulerfahrung dazu, als Erste in ihrer Familie zu studieren.

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In this special episode about the upcoming orientation Week (O-Phase), our host Tim Hetkämper talks to our guest Florian Braun. He talks about the orientation week and what's on offer.

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Sig­nal gen­er­at­or sets com­pletely new stand­ards

Paderborn University research project presents product at the European Microwave Week.

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At the beginning of October, a new phase of life begins for many young adults when they start studying. In order to facilitate the transition from school mathematics to the teaching content at a university, the Institute of Mathematics at the University of Paderborn is offering preliminary courses from September 2nd to 27th.

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Bundeswirtschaftsminister Habeck wird auf dem Paderborner Rathausplatz empfangen. Von links: Mario Nowack (Leipziger Verkehrsbetriebe), Bürgermeister Michael Dreier, Jonathan Behm (Neue Mobilität Paderborn e.V.), Marcus Zwick (Inyo Mobility GmbH, Konsortialführer NeMo.bil) und Landrat Christoph Rüther. Foto: NeMo Paderborn/Besim Mazhiqi.

On 11 July, Vice Chancellor and Economics Minister Robert Habeck visited the New Mobility Paderborn (NeMo) initiative, whose NeMo.bil project is receiving 17 million euros in funding from his ministry. During an expert discussion in Paderborn's town hall, it became clear that the NeMo.bil project has the potential to revolutionise mobility in rural areas. The NeMo initiative offers valuable approaches to make on-demand mobility in local public…

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In the fourth episode of the Electrical Engineering podcast "Current Affairs", our guest Lino Sebeke talks to our host, Jan Beinfohr, about the Culture Fellow, his tasks and his functions.

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Teach­ing award for PMI

At the Teaching Day on June 25, Tim Hetkämper and Lars Meihost were awarded the "Teaching Prize for Young Academics" for the course "Practical Course in Microcontrollers and Interface Electronics" (PMI).

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New research project combines technology and science

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LehrKraft ahead!

The Department of Technology Didactics is delighted to have been awarded funding in the "Vocational School Digi-Teams" program, which was launched by the Stifterverband and the Mercedes-Benz Fund.

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Pader­born Uni­ver­sity cel­eb­rates gradu­ates

In the summer semester 2024, numerous graduates of the Computer Science, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Mathematics (EIM) and the PLAZ - Professional School of Education at Paderborn University were given their farewells. In addition to certificates, several prizes were awarded for special commitment or outstanding theses.

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In the third episode of the new electrical engineering podcast "Current Affairs", our guest Florian Braun talks to our host, Tim Hetkämper, about the electrical engineering laboratory (E-lab).

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