Elec­tric­al En­gin­eer­ing and In­form­a­tion Tech­no­logy News

Foto (Universität Paderborn, Nadija Carter): Zu Würdigung gab es auch einen selbstgebastelten Doktorhut von Prof. Böckers Mitarbeiter und Doktoranden.

Am 17. März 2023 verabschiedete die Fakultät für Elektrotechnik, Informatik und Mathematik mit einem Festkolloquium ihren ehemaligen Dekan Prof. Dr.-Ing. Joachim Böcker in den Ruhestand. Nachdem der studierte Elektoringenieur eine Zeitlang in der Industrie gearbeitet hatte, nahm er im Juni 2003 den Ruf auf eine Professur an der Universität Paderborn für das Fachgebiet Leistungselektronik und Elektrische Antriebstechnik an. Neben der Tätigkeit in…

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(Foto: Maximilian Putz): Die Teilnehmenden der Kick off-Veranstaltung freuen sich über den Projektstart.

On Wednesday, February 15, the well-attended kick-off event marked the official start of the "transMINT4.0" research and development project, which is being funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) with around 800,000 euros over a period of three years until 2025.

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Ment­or­ing for fe­male fac­ulty stu­dents: per­spEct­Ive M

Have you ever thought about a career in science? The one-to-one mentoring program perspEktIve M offers the chance to learn more about scientific work in exchange with academic staff members. perspEktIve M is aimed at female students who are at least in the 4th semester of their bachelor's degree or already in their master's degree. The goal of the program is to inform female students about careers in science. Mentoring helps female students to…

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(Foto: TecUP) Die Gewinner*innen des dritten Workshops „Prototype your PhD”, in dem Doktorand*innen erfahren, wie aus einem Promotionsthema ein Start-up entstehen kann.

Von der Wis­senschaft in die Un­ternehmens­gründung

Workshop „Prototype your PhD“ der garage33 geht im Februar in die vierte Runde

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On Monday, December 05, 2022, Prof. Dr. Sina Ober-Blöbaum (Numerics and Control) and Prof. Dr.-Ing. Henning Meschede (Power Systems Engineering) held their inaugural lectures in lecture hall O1. Prof. Dr. Peter Schreier, Dean of the Faculty of Computer Science, Electrical Engineering and Mathematics welcomed the audience at the beginning of the event and introduced both of them.

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(Foto: Vijayalakshmi Surendranath Shroff)

At the Cadence Academic Network contest for Best Master Thesis for academic chip designs, Vijayalakshmi Surendranath Shroff from the Chair for Circuit Design (Prof. Scheytt) has won the Cadence Academic Network Master Thesis Award 2022 for Analog Design with her master thesis on "Design of Low Phase Noise Amplifiers with 50 GHz bandwidth".

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(Foto: Widgetbook) Das Team von Widgetbook (v. l.): Lucas Josefiak, Jens Horstmann und Julius Michel.

2021 ist in der garage33, dem Gründungszentrum der Universität Paderborn, der Startschuss für das Start-up Widgetbook gefallen. Ziel der drei Gründer Jens Horstmann, Julius Michel und Lucas Josefiak, Absolventen der Studiengänge Computer Engineering und International Business Studies der Universität Paderborn, ist es, mit ihrem Start-up die Effizienz zwischen Softwaredesigner*innen und -entwickler*innen mithilfe der Open Source basierten…

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(Foto: Universität Paderborn): Dr.-Ing. Jahn Heymann wurde für seine Dissertation mit dem Titel „Robust multi-channel speech recognition with neural network supported statistical beamforming“ ausgezeichnet.

Dr.-Ing. Jahn Hey­mann gewin­nt VDE Pro­mo­tion­spre­is 2022

Paderborner Wissenschaftler für Doktorarbeit ausgezeichnet Dr.-Ing. Jahn Heymann, ehemaliger Doktorand am Institut für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik der Universität Paderborn, erhält den Promotionspreis 2022 des Verbandes der Elektrotechnik Elektronik Informationstechnik (VDE) Nordrhein-Westfalen. Er überzeugte die Fachjury mit seiner Dissertation zum Thema Spracherkennung, die er im Fachgebiet Nachrichtentechnik unter der Leitung von…

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(Foto: Universität Paderborn, Patrizia Höfer) (v. l.) Jun.-Prof. Dr. Sebastian Peitz und Dr.-Ing. Oliver Wallscheid leiten die neuen KI-Nachwuchsgruppen an der Universität Paderborn.

Re­search on ar­ti­fi­cial in­tel­li­gence strengthened in Pader­born

Federal Ministry of Education and Research funds two AI junior research groups at the Paderborn University.

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Work­shop and Sum­mer School in the DFG Pri­or­ity Pro­gram SP­P2111

September 2022 was characterized by networking for the DFG Priority Program SPP2111 "Ultrafast signal processing using nanophotonic-nanoelectronics technology". In addition to the workshop held on September 5 and 6, 2022, with 35 participants* from 10 subprojects, another highlight could take place with the Summer School. On September 15 and 16, participants were able to attend 4 lectures, a DESY guided tour, a social event and a poster session…

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[Translate to English:] (Foto: Heinz Nixdorf Institut): Messaufbau: In eine Silizium-Photonik-Technologie integrierte, hochpräzise, optisch getaktete Schaltung.

Transmitting and networking data are key processes in times of digital transformation. Ever-increasing volumes of data are placing greater demands on transmitters and receivers. To achieve faster transmission speeds over greater distances, photonics relies on light signals instead of electrons and wires. Based on this method, scientists from Paderborn, Aachen, Karlsruhe and Hamburg have developed the world's most precise and fastest so-called…

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(Foto: (GSN) Fr. Eva Sprenger (Schulleitung) Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christoph Scheytt (Institut für Elektrotechnik), Fr. Kathrin Morhenne (Stellv. Schulleitung GSN) und Fr. Elvira Schweizer (MINT-Beauftragte GSN))

Pi­lot pro­ject be­comes con­tinu­ous co­oper­a­tion!

Gymnasium Schloss Neuhaus, the Institute of Electrical Engineering and the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering sign cooperation agreement for more interdisciplinary internships

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This year's graduation ceremony 2022 says goodbye to the graduates of the faculty from the past three years in the Audimax of the University of Paderborn. In addition to the graduates of 2022, the graduates of 2020 and 2021 have also been invited. Due to the large number of expected visitors, there will be a live broadcast in lecture hall L1, where friends, family and faculty members can join the celebration virtually. Two guests per graduate may…

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On Monday, July 4, the Competence Centre for Sustainable Energy Technology (KET), a central scientific institution of the Paderborn University, celebrated its tenth anniversary.

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(Foto: Videostandbild Fakultät EIM)

Video: "3 Ques­tions for..." Jun.-Prof. Dr. Se­basti­an Peitz

This week it’s Jun.-Prof. Dr. Sebastian Peitz’s turn on "3 Questions for...". He introduces his research field "Data Science for Engineering" and reveals what motto he lives by. The video is available here: https://cs.uni-paderborn.de/en/research/research/professors-in-profile

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