Ina Brandes, Minister for Culture and Science of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia, paid a visit to the Paderborn zdi Centre, which cooperates with Paderborn University, on Friday, 21 February.
In the eleventh episode of the Electrical Engineering podcast "Current Affairs", Prof Dr Katrin Temmen talks to our host, Tim Hetkämper, about study frustration, study doubts and the numerous offers of advice and help.
Conversations in social gatherings or important meetings in the office: automatic transcription, i.e. the transcription of conversations, is a challenge that has so far been inadequately solved.
Exciting lectures, interactive workshops and excursions: Paderborn University invites pupils to familiarise themselves with various study and career opportunities with a range of offers.
In the tenth episode of the Electrical Engineering podcast "Current Affairs", Prof Dr Henning Meschede talks to our host, Jan Beinfohr, about the department of energy systems engineering and what lies behind it.
On Tuesday, 21 January 2025, Prof. Dr. Erdal Kayacan (Control and Automation Engineering) and Prof. Dr. Lin Wang (Computer Networks) gave their inaugural lectures in Lecture Hall O2.
In the categories of computer science, engineering, economics, education and natural sciences, as well as in the humanities and cultural studies, the university has above-average international rankings
In this special end-of-year episode of the Electrical Engineering podcast "Current Affairs", the four hosts ask each other exciting questions so that you can get to know them even better.
In December, the German government published its strategy for autonomous driving in road transport. The large-scale mobility system NeMo.bil, whose initiator Prof Dr Thomas Tröster heads the Chair of Lightweight Automotive Design at Paderborn University, is presented as an example for the field of local public transport.
In the eighth episode of the Electrical Engineering podcast "Current Affairs", Lars Luchterhandt talks to our host, Tim Hetkämper, about appointment committees and what's behind them.
In the seventh episode of the Electrical Engineering podcast "Current Affairs", Hannes Geilhorn talks to our host, Olga Friesen, about the tasks, offers and activities of the student council.
Highly accurate, ultra-fast and energy-efficient information processing is required in many applications, whether in communication systems, when using artificial intelligence or when working with precision measuring devices.
At the symposium "The future of mobility in rural areas" on 6 and 7 November, the focus will be on solutions that drive forward the mobility transition: It is about technical innovations in public transport, innovative authorisation procedures for autonomous driving and new business models through smart services.