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Get­ting to know study and ca­reer op­por­tun­it­ies: Of­fers for pu­pils at Pader­born Uni­ver­sity

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Registration now open

Exciting lectures, interactive workshops and excursions: Paderborn University invites school pupils to get to know various study and career opportunities with several programmes. While the mentoring programme "look upb" gives schoolgirls practical insights into the STEM subject areas (mathematics, computer science, natural sciences and technology), both girls and boys can explore the STEM world at the "Spring University". Anyone interested can now register for the events free of charge.

Spring university "girls only" and "all gender"

In the first week of the Easter holidays, the "Women Shaping the Information Society" (fgi) and MINT@UniPB projects at Paderborn University are offering school pupils a varied STEM taster course with the "Spring University". From Monday, 14 April to Thursday, 17 April, prospective students will have the opportunity to take part in exciting lectures and interactive workshops in the fields of mathematics, computer science, business informatics, chemistry, physics, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, computer engineering and chemical engineering. The taster programme is offered in two formats: The spring university "girls only" can be attended by schoolgirls in years 7 to 13. All information about the programme and registration options can be found at: www.upb.de/fgi/fruehlings-uni. At the same time, there is an "all gender" spring university organised by the "MINT@UniPB" project, which is open to both female and male high school students. Those interested can register at www.upb.de/mintunipb/fruehlings-uni. Free registration for both programmes is possible until 23 March.

"look upb": STEM mentoring programme for schoolgirls

Get a taste of "real university air", ask questions about studying and get to know student life better - schoolgirls can do all of this in the "look upb" STEM mentoring programme. This programme allows high school students to attend lectures, workshops, excursions and mentoring meetings together with a female student for a semester, providing a practical insight into the STEM degree programmes at Paderborn University. A supporting programme with further events such as an excursion to a regional company rounds off the offer. Interested schoolgirls can register until 31 March: www.upb.de/look.

Photo (Paderborn University, fgi): Paderborn University offers school pupils exciting insights into career and study opportunities in the STEM fields.
