Top News Elektro­tech­nik

In the seventh episode of the Electrical Engineering podcast "Current Affairs", Hannes Geilhorn talks to our host, Olga Friesen, about the tasks, offers and activities of the student council.

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Highly accurate, ultra-fast and energy-efficient information processing is required in many applications, whether in communication systems, when using artificial intelligence or when working with precision measuring devices.

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At the symposium "The future of mobility in rural areas" on 6 and 7 November, the focus will be on solutions that drive forward the mobility transition: It is about technical innovations in public transport, innovative authorisation procedures for autonomous driving and new business models through smart services.

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Arbeit­er­ Kennen­lern-Work­shop in Pader­born

Am 12.10. bietet Sabine Hoffmann zusammen mit der Moderatorin Nicole Reckmann einen Kennenlern-Workshop in Paderborn an. ermutigt Schüler:innen aus Familien ohne Hochschulerfahrung dazu, als Erste in ihrer Familie zu studieren.

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In this special episode about the upcoming orientation Week (O-Phase), our host Tim Hetkämper talks to our guest Florian Braun. He talks about the orientation week and what's on offer.

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