Am 12.10. bietet Sabine Hoffmann zusammen mit der Moderatorin Nicole Reckmann einen Kennenlern-Workshop in Paderborn an. ermutigt Schüler:innen aus Familien ohne Hochschulerfahrung dazu, als Erste in ihrer Familie zu studieren.
In this special episode about the upcoming orientation Week (O-Phase), our host Tim Hetkämper talks to our guest Florian Braun. He talks about the orientation week and what's on offer.
At the beginning of October, a new phase of life begins for many young adults when they start studying. In order to facilitate the transition from school mathematics to the teaching content at a university, the Institute of Mathematics at the University of Paderborn is offering preliminary courses from September 2nd to 27th.
On 11 July, Vice Chancellor and Economics Minister Robert Habeck visited the New Mobility Paderborn (NeMo) initiative, whose NeMo.bil project is receiving 17 million euros in funding from his ministry. During an expert discussion in Paderborn's town hall, it became clear that the NeMo.bil project has the potential to revolutionise mobility in rural areas. The NeMo initiative offers valuable approaches to make on-demand mobility in local public…