Re­search Ex­change

Elec­tric­al En­gin­eer­ing Au­dio Ex­tract

Interview: Mr.Wally Rhines, CEO Mentor Graphics and Key Note Speaker at the 19th IEEE European Test Symposium (ETS´14), regarding his field of expertise and electrical engineering at Paderborn. Interview held by Deniz Inan.

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Further Information: Forschung inSight

Elec­tric­al En­gin­eer­ing Films

Keynote: Lawrence E.Jones, 03.02.2014:
"Feeding 10 Billion Aquaenervores and Infovores on a 1-4 Degrees Warmer Planet Hyper-Ubiquitous Connectivity, Smarter Resilient Cyber-Physical Systems, and Data Tsunamis"

20140203 Gastvortrag Lawrence Jones - Vorschaubild Video

Kompetenzzentrum  für nachhaltige Energietechnik, WS 2013/14 - 03.02.2014 Guest Speaker Lawrence Jones (MP4, 1,29 GB)