In September, the University of Paderborn will launch the "NRW-Technikum", a new career and study orientation program for female high school graduates with an interest in mathematics, computer science, natural sciences or technology (MINT for short). The program is aimed at young women who have obtained their university or technical college entrance qualification by the start of the program and would like to try out whether STEM studies and STEM…
Herr Prof. Dr.-Ing. Horst Grotstollen, Leiter des Fachgebiets LEA von 1981 bis 2003 ist im Alter von 82 Jahren am 28. Februar 2021 verstorben. Prof. Grotstollen hat das Fachgebiet, welches in diesem Jahr ein 40-jähriges Jubiläum begeht, aufgebaut und sich im Laufe seiner Schaffensperiode einen ausgezeichneten Ruf erarbeitet. Unter anderem sei erwähnt, dass er zusammen mit Prof. Pfaff, Uni Erlangen, früh die Grundlagen für den Einsatz der…
On March 4, 2021 from 7 p.m. to March 5, 2021 at 7 a.m., the sixth Long Night of Writing will take place at the University of Paderborn, this time as a purely digital event. Registration is now open.
Participants will be supported at their home workstations with individual writing advice, practical workshops, interesting lectures, guided yoga, communal breaks, and opportunities for exchange. Students and doctoral candidates of all subjects and…
At the beginning of March, the female STEM mentoring program "look upb" will start again at the University of Paderborn. The program is aimed at high school girls who are interested in studying a STEM subject (mathematics, computer science, natural sciences, technology). The aim is to support the schoolgirls in their choice of study program and to inspire them to study STEM subjects. Interested female students can apply by February 26. For more…
As of now, doctoral students can register for the offers of the Competence Centre Writing in the first half of the year. All offers provide support for scientific writing in the doctoral phase:
Workshop on dealing with peer reviews Workshop for all scientists* in earlier stages of their career who need to revise texts after peer reviews, for example submissions to an edited volume or to a journal. Date: Monday, February 1, 2021, 11:30 a.m.-3:30…
Students of the University of Duisburg Essen are looking for subjects for their online study as part of their research project at the Chair of Professional Communication in Electronic Media / Social Media. The study focuses on the behaviour of researchers and how they can be supported by a conversational agent. Participation will take about 30 minutes
Trotz des sehr ungewöhnlichen Jahres 2020 haben wir es als Studierende und Mitarbeiter des Instituts geschafft, mit kreativen Lösungen den Herausforderungen entgegen zu treten. An dieser Stelle vielen Dank an Sie alle! Wir freuen uns auf ein neues Jahr 2021, in dem wir für Forschung und Lehre im Institut unser Bestes geben werden. Für die kommenden Feiertage wünschen wir Ihnen allen gute Erholung und die Möglichkeit, neue Kräfte zu sammeln.
In the winter semester 2020/21, the Career Service will again offer interesting events for students regarding professional goal settings, career planning and career entry.
As of now, the Annual Report of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Mathematics is available as an electronic version in a responsive magazine design.
The annual report summarizes all important events that have shaped our faculty in the past year. In addition to reports from research and teaching, the most important awards as well as facts and figures from 2019 can be read in condensed form.
The annual report is of…
Stable power grids for Africa
How can we live more sustainably and shape the future on our planet together? This is what the sixth "European Sustainability Week" (ENW) was all about from September 20th to 26th. When it comes to sustainable living, science is also in demand. In a special on ENW, we present exciting research projects by Paderborn researchers every Tuesday that deal with a sustainability topic.
Researchers at the University of…
Der aktuelle Durchgang der Tutor*innen-Qualifizierung startet am 6.11.2020. Er wird in einem Blended Learning Format (ein PANDA-Kurs und Videokonferenzen) und damit komplett online angeboten.
Universität Paderborn bietet Schülerinnen und Schülern Online-Workshops und „Herbstspaziergänge“ auf dem Campus
Wer nächstes Jahr das Abitur in der Tasche haben wird, derzeit aber noch unsicher ist, welche Studienrichtung passen könnte, kann im Oktober an mehreren Angeboten zur Studienwahlorientierung der Universität Paderborn teilnehmen. Die Zentrale Studienberatung bietet neben zwei Online-Workshops am Donnerstag, 15. Oktober, 14 Uhr, und…
Ab Montag, 12. Oktober, findet an der Universität Paderborn wieder die Herbst-Uni statt. Schülerinnen der 8. bis 13. Klasse erhalten in dieser Woche abwechslungsreiche Einblicke in die Bereiche Mathematik, Informatik, Natur-wissenschaften und Technik (MINT).