Sci­entif­ic work­ing for en­gin­eers

In the seminar "Scientific Working for Engineers", systematics for scientific work will be presented, starting with the creation of a schedule through literature research, the writing of scientific texts and the presentation in a lecture and discussion.

Learn­ing goals

Basic concepts and methods of scientific work are learned, such as those used in the preparation of seminars, projects, bachelor and master theses.

  • Importance and relevance of scientific writing
  • Methodical approach to scientific work
  • Structures of scientific work (s)
  • Research and bibliography - introduction to systematic searching and finding of literature, literature management
  • Citation methods, meaning of citation, counterfeiting and plagiarism, copyright, critical distance from literature
  • Dealing with programs for project planning, literature management and mind mapping
  • Structure, design and typography of scientific work
  • Presentation of works, slide design

Struc­ture and con­tent

The seminar “Scientific Work for Engineers” take place every semester, once a week, and conveys content specially tailored to engineers. These topics are planning a scientific work, literature research and management as well as topic limitations, etc.

At the end of the workshop, an elaboration has to be written to expand on content and a presentation is given about the process of creating the work.

The scope of the seminar paper is limited to 8 pages and should be structured as discussed in the lecture. There is also a requirement that elements such as graphics, formulas and a table or programming code must be included and cited accordingly. The appendix should contain a project plan, a mind map for structure determination of the work and the administration of the literature.

The development process is presented in a 10-minutes presentation. The focus here is not on presenting the topic, but rather on presenting the process of creating the work: finding the topic, justification for narrowing down the subject, experience in literature research, justification of the structure, problems with the creation, etc.

After having the workshop successfully completed, students will be credited with 2/3/4 ECTS as part of Studium Generale.

Fur­ther in­form­a­tion

Current information about the event can be found at:
In the summer semester the seminar will be held in English, whereas the same workshop „wissenschaftliches Arbeiten für Ingenieure“ will be offered in German in the winter semester.