Elec­tric­al En­gin­eer­ing and In­form­a­tion Tech­no­logy News

In­dus­tri­al en­gin­eer­ing at the EIM fac­ulty scores well in the CHE rank­ing in provid­ing sup­port for stu­dents at the be­gin­ning of their stud­ies.

 |  EIM-NachrichtenEI-Nachrichten

The Centre for University Development (CHE) has again published a new university ranking, focusing this year, on subjects in combination with business such as business administration, economics, and industrial engineering. By combining business and law, psychology, computer science and engineering, many new courses have been established for example, industrial engineering and electrical engineering at Paderborn University.

One course has stood out in the category, "Providing support at the beginning of studies", in which eight out of twelve possible points were achieved. The aspects of competency alignment / competence development, orientation and support / advice were assessed. In the "Contact to Professional Practice" and "International Orientation of Studies and Teaching" categories, the master’s degree level was placed in the middle ranking. In addition, the business informatics course at the UPB achieved eleven out of twelve points for “support at the beginning of Studies”.

The CHE university ranking has provided information and facts about studying, teaching and research at more than 300 universities and technical colleges for the past 20 years. In addition, around 120,000 students were asked about the conditions at their university. Prospective students need to receive such information, in order to select the correct study program.

The latest results of the university and its ranking are published in extracts from DIE ZEIT on page 292, and also in the ZEIT study guide 2020/21 and on ZEIT CAMPUS ONLINE at: www.zeit.de/che-ranking.

(Photo: Juuli Eckstein) According to the CHE ranking, the Industrial Engineering and Management course in Electrical Engineering offers future students particularly good support at the beginning of their studies.