Elec­tric­al En­gin­eer­ing and In­form­a­tion Tech­no­logy News

New videos: Sum­mer School 2019 for stu­dents of Xidi­an Uni­ver­sity

 |  EIM-NachrichtenEI-Nachrichten

From 12-23. of August 2019, the Faculty for Computer Science, Electrical Engineering and Mathematics, Paderborn University hosted a summer school, and provided an opportunity for students of the School of Electrical Engineering at Xidian University, China, to come together to develop their professional skills, share and exchange ideas and network. First, the students attended some lectures, got an exclusive view of state-of-the-art research laboratories and could do some research on their own. Second, besides the research projects, the students also took part on some cultural activities, like visiting Wewelsburg castle as well as the Karl-Marx-museum in Trier, and met local students of Paderborn University at a BBQ evening.

In the videos, some of the chinese students talk about their experiences during the Summer School, what they liked most about the program und the slight differences between a German and a Chinese University. Furthermore, Prof. Dr. Jens Förstner, professor for Theoretical Electrical Engineering, summerizes the purpose and program of the Summer School.

The videos are available now at the faculty’s YouTube channel:


Prof. Förstner will  also report on the summer school at the „Infoveranstaltung über die vielfältigen Verbindungen der Universität Paderborn nach China“ on 27th of September.2019 starting 4pm in lecture hall G.

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