Elec­tric­al En­gin­eer­ing and In­form­a­tion Tech­no­logy News

Study Pro­grams of Elec­tric­al En­gin­eer­ing and In­form­a­tion Tech­no­logy have been suc­cess­fully re–ac­cred­ited

 |  EIM-NachrichtenEI-Nachrichten

The Bachelor and Master programs Electrical Engineering and Computer Engineering as well as the Master program Electrical Systems Engineering have been successfully re–accredited for the summer semester 2017.

Looking from a specialist aspect the institute for Electrical Engineering and Information Engineering set their focus – both in training and in research – on the areas of Information Engineering, Microsystems Engineering and Energy Engineering. These different specialization give the students the opportunity to design their studies according to their own interests and conceptions and to deepen their knowledge in certain areas.

Study programs like Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering and Electrical Systems Engineering remain in their current form and will still be tought thanks to the re-acreditation.

About the Study Program

During the studies of Electrical Engineering (ET) mathematical, scientific and technical professional skills are gained, as well as teaches the students methods expertise, programming capabilities and the ability of understanding, writing and presenting of scientifical results. Moreover students learn Soft Skills like holistic thinking, interdisciplinary actions and thinking in models and systems. Eventually an ingenieur has to have creative abilities and being able to reflect own actions and actions of others critically as well as assess the impact of work on society and environment.

More detailed about the content and structure of the Bachelor and Master program can be found here:

The study program Computer Engineering (CE) builts the interface between Computer Science and Electrical Engineering and develops problem solving for computer systems with the help of the knowledge of both disciplines. The study program deals with the analysis, construction and assessment of computer systems in hard– and software, therefore all products of the are CE can be found anywhere.

Besides classic computer systems of laptops to supercomputer also autopilot in a plane, brake assistant in the car, the multimedia entertainment system at home, the Smart Watch or the medical–technical products as modern Hightech prosthesis are examples for developments which influence our lifes on a daily basis.

You can find information about the Bachelor and Master program here:

The anglophone Master program Electrical System Engineering (MS ESE) counts on profound knowledge in theory and fundamental concepts of Design of electrical Systems and offers students an insight into current developments as well as practical experiences of this field of expertise. The study program offers two specialisations. The focus signal & information processing sets the focus primarly on the calculative behaviour of systems, while electronics & devices sets its focus on the design of micro– and nanochips as well as aspects of the implementation of hardware.

In order to learn more about the study program ESE, please visit:


[Translate to English:] (Foto: Nadija Pejic) Die Reakkreditierungsbeauftragten. v.l.: Prof. Dr. Sybille Hellebrand, Prof. Dr. Bärbel Mertsching und Prof. Dr. Christoph Scheytt.