Elec­tric­al En­gin­eer­ing and In­form­a­tion Tech­no­logy News

IEEE Stat­ist­ic­al Sig­nal Pro­cessing Work­shop

 |  EIM-Nachrichten

This year, the IEEE Statistical Signal Processing Workshop (SSP) will take place for the first time in Germany: from 10-13 June 2018 in Freiburg. This workshop is one of the leading technical conferences in Statistical Signal Processing. Its technical sponsor is the IEEE, the largest technical association in the world with more than 420,000 members. The conference is organized by the University of Paderborn under the leadership of Prof. Peter Schreier of the Signal and System Theory Group (Dept. of Electrical Engineerings) as General Chair. We are expecting more than 250 attendees from more than 30 countries. More information about the workshop is available at <link https: ssp2018.org>ssp2018.org

Bild (SSP2018): Logo der SSP Konferenz 2018 in Freiburg