Elec­tric­al En­gin­eer­ing and In­form­a­tion Tech­no­logy News

Farewell of the 100th Mas­ter­’s Stu­dent of the pro­gram Elec­tric­al Sys­tems En­gin­eer­ing

 |  EIM-NachrichtenEI-Nachrichten

Electrical Systems Engineering is a new Master’s program of the faculty EIM where the 100th student has graduated durin the graduation ceremony the 100th graduate. Abhiram Kolluri had already chosen this program in India. "I have looked for a Master where I can specialize in Circuit Technology and have found one in Paderborn" says the 25–year–old who would like to stay in Germany after his studies. "I’m very happy with the choice of my studies. The professors were great, I enjoyed a lot of freedom withing my job and it had significantly promoted my career." After receiving his examination certificate he immediately travelled back to Nürnberg where he found a job in the area of Chipdesign directly after his Master.

The interview has been held in English and has been translated by the author.

Foto (Carolin Riethmüller): Direkt im Beruf - Der 100. Absolvent Abhiram Kolluri arbeitet zum Zeitpunkt seiner Absolventenfeier bereits in Nürnberg im Bereich Chipdesgin.