Prof. Dr.-Ing. Henning Meschede

Leiter - Professor
Profilbereich Nachhaltige Werkstoffe, Prozesse und Produkte
Mitglied - Professor - Vorstandsvorsitzender des Kompetenzzentrums für Nachhaltige Energietechnik (KET)
33098 Paderborn
Aktuelle Publikationen
Flexible operation and integration of high-temperature heat pumps using large temperature glides
L. Knorr, F. Schlosser, N. Horstmann, D. Divkovic, H. Meschede, Applied Energy 368 (2024).
Effects on dimensioning of heat supply technologies for district heating under consideration of future developments regarding investment costs and emission factors
D. Divkovic, L. Knorr, R. Schwesig, H. Meschede, Energy 301 (2024).
Integrated renewable energy systems as the basis for sustainable development of energy, water and environment systems
H. Meschede, A. Piacentino, Z. Guzovic, H. Lund, N. Duic, Energy 313 (2024).
Assessment of Energy Efficiency and Flexibility Measures in Electrified Process Heat Generation Based on Simulations in the Animal Feed Industry
L. Knorr, F. Schlosser, H. Meschede, Journal of Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems 11 (2023) 0–0.
Hybrid renewable energy utility systems for industrial sites: A review
T.G. Walmsley, M. Philipp, M. Picón-Núñez, H. Meschede, M.T. Taylor, F. Schlosser, M.J. Atkins, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 188 (2023).
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