
Wel­co­me Week for In­ter­na­ti­o­nal Mas­ter Stu­dents EIM (CS, CE and ESE) in Win­ter Se­mes­ter 2016/17

In the Faculty of Computer Science, Electrical Engineering and Mathematics, we have organized in this semester as in every semester (in collaboration with the International Office and the ASV, International Student Union) the Welcome Week Event for the new international students.

The Welcome Week for international students took place between 10th and 15th of October 2016. It started with an information event that presents the ASV, the program continued through the next days and introduced our degree programs. The event included also an introduction of the ESE Master Program and the campus management system (PAUL). Our students have participated in a variety of social and information events.

We highly recommend you, our prospective students, to participate in the coming Welcome Week Event, as many important aspects as registering for courses, how to organize your studies etc., will be provided. Furthermore, you should not miss the opportunity to meet and socialize with fellow students from your and other degree programs!

Welcome Week for international master students EIM (Foto: Maaz Rahman)
Welcome Week for international master students EIM (Foto: Maaz Rahman)