
In­te­res­ting Of­fer for Stu­dents Who Ha­ve Ne­a­r­ly Fi­nis­hed Their Stu­dies

Three times per year the event "MINT - making your career in Germany" is organized by the consulting company, gpdm mbH, in cooperation with the University of Paderborn and the Federal Employment Agency (Bundesagentur für Arbeit). Please see the attached file for more details.

Please note that this program is dedicated to recent graduates and students who are about to graduate. In other words, if you are planning to end your studies within the next 3-6 months, you can participate.

What is this about?
It is a professional application training which helps you to plan and search effectively for your dream job. It will provide you with self-marketing strategies and support you during the application process.

The next group will start at the beginning of September 2015.

Over a period of 8 weeks there will be individual meetings with a HR coach, also possible on Saturdays.

How to apply?
There are currently only 6 places available and there will be a fast feedback on how to proceed.

Register immediately at

Flyer: <link file:16892 file>here