
Course Objectives

The master's program Electrical System Engineering (MS ESE) at the University of Paderborn provides you with a solid background in the theory and the fundamental concepts of electrical system design. It gives you insights into current trends and developments and ample opportunities for practical experience. Upon completion of the MS ESE, students are awarded an MSc. in Electrical Systems Engineering, opening up the possibility of further work towards a Dr.-Ing. or PhD.

Start of Courses

Winter semester: Mid-October
Summer semester: Mid-April

The exact dates can be found here.


The MS ESE offers two specializations: signal & information processing and electronics & devices. Depending on the choice, the curricula of the first three semesters differ.

The first semester, starting mid-October, is related to both specializations with courses on system theory, modeling & simulation, and engineering management. Additionally, core courses for the specific specialization are offered (statistical systems, fields & waves, algorithms, software engineering, etc.).

The second and third semesters are composed of a mixture of elective and mandatory courses depending on the chosen specializations. The signal & information processing section offers courses on statistical learning & pattern recognition, digital image processing, optimal & adaptive filters, robotics, wireless communications, simulation of electromagnetic fields, and others. The electronics & devices branch offers courses on circuit & system design, analog/mixed signal IC design, testing of digital ICs, system packaging, hardware/software co-design, optical electronics, nanoelectronics, nanotechnology, physical electronics, power electronics, mechatronics, devices simulation, and novel devices and components. The courses for both sections are accompanied by a broad range of complementary labs and seminars.

Regular Period of Study (in semesters)


Teaching Language


Please check out the module handbook (including the preamble) for current information about the modules

De­gree Plans