Elec­tri­cal Dri­ves and Me­cha­tro­nic Sys­tems

Our electric drive research includes service and development work for industrial partners (mostly contract research) as well as basic research (mostly publicly funded). Focus topics are:

  • Performance control of electrical drive systems on (micro-)processors and FPGAs
    • Optimal field-oriented control
    • Model predictive control (finite and continuous control set)
    • Data-driven control based on reinforcement learning
    • Multi-objective and hierarchical control frameworks
  • System identification and monitoring
    • Precise electrical and mechatronic modeling based on offline and online estimation techniques
    • Real-time model-based temperature monitoring of arbitrary drive components
    • Fault detection and emergency measures (functional safety)
    • Modeling frameworks from white-box to black-box including data-driven machine learning

Below you will find a selection of the publicly funded research projects of our chair. In addition, you will find further insights into our research work in our publication list.

 Current projects:

If you would like to cooperate with us or are interested in a research and development service, please contact us:

business-card image

Dr.-Ing. Frank Schafmeister

Leistungselektronik und Elektrische Antriebstechnik (LEA)

Vertretungsprofessor Leistungselektronik und Elektrische Antriebstechnik

E-Mail schreiben +49 5251 60-3881