Elec­tri­cal Dri­ves and Me­cha­tro­nic Sys­tems

Our electric drive research includes service and development work for industrial partners (mostly contract research) as well as basic research (mostly publicly funded). Focus topics are:

  • Performance control of electrical drive systems on (micro-)processors and FPGAs
    • Optimal field-oriented control
    • Model predictive control (finite and continuous control set)
    • Data-driven control based on reinforcement learning
    • Multi-objective and hierarchical control frameworks
  • System identification and monitoring
    • Precise electrical and mechatronic modeling based on offline and online estimation techniques
    • Real-time model-based temperature monitoring of arbitrary drive components
    • Fault detection and emergency measures (functional safety)
    • Modeling frameworks from white-box to black-box including data-driven machine learning

Below you will find a selection of the publicly funded research projects of our chair. In addition, you will find further insights into our research work in our publication list.

If you would like to cooperate with us or are interested in a research and development service, please contact us:

business-card image

Dr.-Ing. Frank Schafmeister

Leistungselektronik und Elektrische Antriebstechnik (LEA)

Vertretungsprofessor Leistungselektronik und Elektrische Antriebstechnik

E-Mail schreiben +49 5251 60-3881