
Fi­nal present­a­tion on Oc­to­ber 31st, giv­en by Yuan Zhang

Yuan Zhang fill give his final presentation on his master thesis with the topic Convolutional Compaction for Faster-than-At-Speed-Test (FAST) on Thursday, October 31st, at 9.30am in room P1.6.17.1. The talk will be given in english. Everyone interessted is invited to participate in the talk.

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Pre­lim­in­ary course meet­ing for winter term 2019/2020

On Tuesday, October 8th, the preliminary course meeting for seminars and project groups in this winter term takes place. It is being held at 2pm in our seminar room (P1.6.17.1).

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Present­a­tions in the Re­search Sem­in­ar

On Thursday, September 26, 2019, two presentations are being held as part of our research seminar. The presentations start at 9am in our seminar room (P1.6.17.1). Everyone interested is cordially invited to join!

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In­ter­me­di­ate present­a­tion dur­ing re­search sem­in­ar on 22.08.2019

Yuan Zhang will give an intermediate presentation on his master thesis on Thursday, August 22nd at 9.30 am. The topic of his thesis is "Convolutional Compaction for Faster-than-At-Speed-Test (FAST)" The presentation takes place at 9.30 am in our seminar room (P1.6.17.1) and will be given in englisch. Everyone interesseted is invited to participate.

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In­tro­duct­ory talk of Bach­el­ors Thes­is

On Tuesday, August 13th, Konstantins Franckevics will give an introductory talk about his Bachelors Thesis. The presentation starts at 9am in our seminar room (P1.6.17.1). Everyone interested is cordially invited to join!

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Present­a­tion in the Re­search Sem­in­ar

On Wednesday, July 17th, Viktor Tran will give an intermediate presentation on his masters thesis titled Pareto-optimale SAT-basierte Testmustererzeugung (in German). The talk starts at 10am in our seminar room (P1.6.17.1). Everyone interested is cordially invited to join!

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Pro­ject group present­a­tion on Ju­ly, 8th 2019

The project group presentation for the winter term 19/20 will take place on Monday, July 7th at 4.15am in room O1.  Our group will offer a project group titled "Design & Implementation of a HexaPod". Durin one year (2 terms) a HexaPad will be developed from scratch. For a successful completion of the project, a set of mandatory functionalities must be realized, and the implementation must be possible with a given budget. Extensions are possible…

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Pa­per ac­cep­ted on In­ter­na­tion­al Test Con­fer­ence

The Paper A Hybrid Space Compactor for Adaptive X-Handling from Mohammad Urf Maaz, Alexander Sprenger and Sybille Hellebrand was accepted for the International Test Conference 2019 (ITC'19).

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In­tro­duct­ive talk on Wed­nes­day

On Wednesday, June 19th at 9.30 am Emanuel Rheinert will give an introductive talk about his master thesis whith the topic: Fehlertoleranzanalyse für approximative Multiplikationsverfahren in künstlichen neuronalen Netzen The talk takes place in room P1.6.16.3 and will be held in german. Eveyone is invited to participate.

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E-Day 2019 on June 12th

On June 12th the E2-Day takes place in the G building. From 2 - 5pm all groups of the department of electrical engineering and information technology will introduce themselves. While fetching a coffee, you will be able to get informed about open theses and open jobs. During the E2-Day no lecture of the department will take place. Afterwards a small barbecue will be organized, starting at 4pm.

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Present­a­tions in Re­search Sem­in­ar

On Thursday, May 16, there are two presentations as part of our research seminar. They will start at 9:30 am in our seminar room (P1.6.17.1).

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Present­a­tion in the Re­search Sem­in­ar

On Friday, April 12, Dr. Somayeh Sadeghi-Kohan will give a presentation about her previous research work.

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New Col­league in our Team

Since April 1st, Dr. Somayeh Sadeghi-Kohan is supporting the Team of the Computer Engineering group as a researcher. She will be active  in the DFG project "Faster-than-at-Speed Test".

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Mas­ter thes­is present­a­tion on April 1st

Yuan Zhang will introduce his Master thesis on Monday, April 1st. The Topic of the Master thesis is: "Convolutional Compaction for Faster-than-At-Speed-Test (FAST)". The talk takes place in room P1.6.16.3 at 11am and will be held in englisch. Everyone is invited to participate.

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Present­a­tions in the Re­search Sem­in­ar

On Thursday, March 7th, Mehak Aftab and Jan Dennis Reimer will each give a presentation in our research seminar. The talks start at 9am in our seminar room (P1.6.17.1). Everyone interested is cordially invited to join!

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