
Fi­nal present­a­tion of Bach­el­or thes­is by Ab­dulkarim Ghazal

Abdulkarim Ghazal gives his final talk of the bachelor thesis on Monday, 26th September at 13.00h in Skype. The title of the bachelor thesis is: "Analyzing the effects of encryption methods and hashfunctions on interconnect reliability". Everybody interested is invited to participate in the talk.

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Fi­nal present­a­tion of Bach­el­or thes­is by Ab­dalrham Bad­ran

On Wednesday, July 20th at 15pm Abdalrham Badran will give the final presentation on his bachelor thesis with the topic: "Effects of approximate computing on interconnect reliability". The presentation will take place in room P1.6.17.1 and will be given in english. Everyone interested is invited to participate.

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In­ter­me­di­ate present­a­tion of bach­el­or thes­is by Ab­dalrh­man Bad­ran

On Friday April 1st at 10am, Abdalrham Badran will give an intermediate presentation on his bachelor thesis with the topic: "Effects of approximate computing on interconnect reliability". The presentation will be given in english and takes place via Skype in the group "DATE Seminar". Everyone interested is invited to participate.

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Kick-off present­a­tion of Bach­el­or thes­is by Chris­toph­er Schenk

Christopher Schenk gives his inaugural talk of the bachelor thesis on Thursday, 3rd March at 9:00am in Skype. The title of the bachelor thesis is: "Faultgrouping to accelerate a GPU-Faultsimulation". The talk will be held in german. Everybody interested is invited to participate in the talk.

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Art­icle ac­cep­ted for Journ­al of Elec­tron­ic Test­ing

The Article “Stress-Aware Periodic Test of Interconnects” written by Somayeh Sadeghi-Kohan, Sybille Hellebrand, and Hans-Joachim Wundelich has been accepted by the Journal of Electronic Testing. Abstract: Safety-critical systems have to follow extremely high dependability requirements as specified in the standards for automotive, air, and space applications. The required high fault coverage at runtime is usually obtained by a combination of…

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Pa­per ac­cep­ted for "European Work­shop on Sil­ic­on Li­fe­cycle Man­age­ment (eS­LM 2022)"

The paper "EM-Aware Interconnect BIST" from Somayeh Sadeghi-Kohan, Sybille Hellebrand, and Hans-Joachim Wunderlich has been accepted for "European Workshop on Silicon Lifecycle Management (eSLM 2022)". This workshop will be held virtually on March 18, 2022.

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Fi­nal present­a­tion of Bach­el­or thes­is by Al­ex­an­der Piel

On Tuesday, January 25th at 10am Alexander Piel will give the final presentation on his bachelor thesis with the topic: „Parametrisierung von Verbindungsdefekten innerhalb integrierter Schaltungen mit Hilfe von Layoutsynthese" The presentation will take place online via Skype in the group „DATE Seminar“. The presentation will be given in german. Everyone interested is invited to participate.

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Fi­nal present­a­tion of Mas­ter thes­is by Am­jad Alsati

On Wednesday December 22nd at 10am Amjad Alsati will give the final presentation on his master thesis with the topic: "Test Pattern Scheduling for Faster-than-At-Speed Test" The presentation will take place online via Skype in the group "DATE Seminar" and will be given in english. Everyone interested is invited to participate.

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Kick-off present­a­tion of Bach­el­or thes­is by Ab­dalrh­man Bad­ran

Abdalrhman Badran gives the kick-off presentation of his thesis on Wednesday, 8th December, at 09:30 am in Skype. The title of the bachelor thesis is: "Effects of approximate computing on interconnect reliability" The talk will bel held in english. Everybody interested is invited to participate in the talk.

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In­ter­me­di­ate present­a­tion on Am­jad Alsati's mas­ter thes­is

On Tuesday October 19th at 11am (in connection to the previous presentation of Eduard Block) Amjad Alsati will give an intermediate presentation on his master thesis with the topic: "Test Pattern Scheduling for Faster-than-At-Speed Test". The presentation will take place online via Skype in the group "DATE Seminar". The presentation will be given in english. Everyone interested is invited to participate.

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Fi­nal present­a­tion of the pro­ject thes­is by Eduard Block

Eduard Block gives his final presentation of the project thesis on Tuesday, 19th of Oct. at 10:00am in Skype. The title of the project thesis is: "Implementierung eines akkuraten, 3-wertigen Logiksimulators". The talk will be held in german. Everybody interested is invited to participate in the talk.

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Fi­nal present­a­tion of Bach­el­or thes­is by Elena Priss

Elena Priss gives her talk of the bachelor thesis on Monday, 27th September at 10:00am in Skype. The title of the bachelor thesis is: "Inkrementelle SAT-Instanz Generierung für den Hochgeschwindigkeitstest mit PaderSAT". The talk will bel held in german. Everybody interested is invited to participate in the talk.

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In­ter­me­di­ate talk of Mas­ter thes­is by Am­jad Alsati

On Tuesday August 3rd at 10am, Amjad Alsati will give an intermediate presentation on his master's thesis with the topic: "Test Pattern Scheduling for Faster-than-At-Speed Test". The presentation will be given in english and takes place via Skype in the group "DATE Seminar". Everyone interested is invited to participate.

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Fi­nal present­a­tion of Bach­el­or thes­is by Al­ex­an­der Co­ers

Alexander Coers gives his final talk of the bachelor thesis on Tuesday, 13th July at 10:00am in Skype. The title of the bachelor thesis is: „Extracting the Behavior of Interconnect Defects for High-Level Medeling“. The talk will be held in english. Everybody interested is invited to participate in the talk.

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In­tro­duct­ory talk dur­ing our re­search sem­in­ar

During our research seminar on Tuesday, June 15th at 10am, Alexander Piel will give is introductory talk of his bachelor's thesis with the topic: "Parametrisierung von Verbindungsdefekten innerhalb integrieter Schaltungen mit Hilfe von Layoutsynthese". The presentation will be held in german via Skype. Everyone interested is invited to participate.

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