Gen­er­al In­form­a­tion

At the beginning of each semester, there will be an information meeting for all new students that are in their first semester.

The information meeting for the current semester was on September 26, 2017.
Slides from the last meeting:

In regular plenary meetings, all students of the Master's program Electrical Systems Engineering are provided with important information. The current versions of the presentations and additional documents can be found here:

The slides of the last plenary meeting (February 1, 2018) can be found via the link below. They contain current information for students of the MS ESE degree program.

PAUL Support

Manual Registration of Courses in PAUL

Students who are not able to register their courses in PAUL for technical reasons can use form (click here to download) and submit it to the mailbox next to A2.053 or mail to Further information about Paul office can be found here.

Furthermore, there is a regular consultation hour:

Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Martin Bober     Room: 
Tuesday: 1 pm - 3 pm
Wednesday: 9 am - 11 am
Thursday: 1 pm - 3 pm

International office

At the International Office Mr. Matthias Funayama-Thordsen is responsible  for the English speaking students in the international Master's programs.

He can be contacted via email ( or at office for all issues *not* specific to the subject Electrical Systems Engineering, e.g. living in Paderborn.

 Mr. Matthias Funayama-Thordsen Phone number:
V1.208 (Infothek)
Thursday: 10 am - 11:30 pm

Further Support

For any subject-related questions or academic guidance in Electrical Engineering, please contact the Student Advisory Service (Studienberatung ET).

The Student Council (Fachschaft ET) is available to assist with any questions about student life and academics. They also organize social events to help you connect with fellow students and enjoy your university experience.

The International Student Union (ASV) is a student organization, which represents all of the international students at the University of Paderborn. The ASV team helps students with accommodation or job searches, and advise students with social issues.


We are on Facebook

You can visit us on Facebook.


We are on Instagram

You can visit us on Instagram.



Here you can find our FAQ for Prospective Students


Asiin E.V.

The study program is fully accredited by ASIIN (a member of the Washington Accord). The accreditation was recently extended until September 24, 2024. The new certificate is not available for download, yet.

Current Poster Flyer

Here you can find the current poster flyer.

Current Flyer

Here you can find the current flyer.