
The Chance to Par­ti­cip­ate in a Job Hunt­ing Re­lated Coun­sel­ing and Place­ment Pro­gram

In cooperation with the „Agentur für Arbeit“ and the “Gesellschaft für Projektierungs-und Dienstleistungsmanagement“, the International Office can give graduates and students in the last phase of their studies the chance to participate in a job hunting related counseling and placement program.

There are only still 6 places available for the course which starts on November 22nd. If you would like to take this chance, please apply until November 7th  (Friday of this week) by using the link in the attachment file.
Furthermore you can apply already for a place in the group which is starting on January 15th 2015. The deadline for the January course application is Friday, November 14th.

The program is for free and there are no fixed timings. You can make the appointments for the counselling sessions according to your individual schedule. They can speak German and English!
If you are interested, apply at to participate in „MINT-Karriere“ - Nach dem Studium in Deutschland arbeiten“