
Out­stand­ing Com­mit­ment:

In the New Year's reception of Paderborn University on January 17, 2016 Azharuddin Kazi was awarded the prize for outstanding achievements of international students.

Since 2013 Azharuddin Kazi has been studying the Master's program Electrical Systems Engineering (ESE) at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Mathematics (EIM) at Paderborn University and has been an active member of the International Students Union (ASV). Since 2015, the native of Pakistan has become the prisedent of the International Students Union (ASV). The main commitment of the (ASV) is for more intensive exchange between German and international students. He also was elected with a majority vote of all parliamentarians in the 44th Student Parliament (StuPa) and sits there for the large number of international students at Paderborn University.

Moreover he is also a student senator and a direcotr of the unit of internationals of the General Student Committee (AStA) of the university. Azharuddin Kazi is also a member of the commission for improving quality in teaching and learning of the Audit Committee Master in Electrical Systems Engineering and a member of the Debating Society Paderborn. He was presented the award by University President Professor Dr. Wilhelm Schäfer and Bernhard Dorenkamp (University Society).