
In­vit­a­tion to the Next Plen­ary Meet­ing on Feb­ru­ary 01, 2018

It is almost the end of the lecture period in this semester, we hope that everything is running smoothly with your studies.

We would like to invite you to the next plenary meeting on February 01, 2018 from 16:30 to (approx.) 18:00 in P 6.2.03.

This is the agenda of the meeting so far:

  1. Information about changes in the new examination regulations (version from 2017) and how students from older regulations can transfer to the newer ones.
  2. Further news in the degree program.
  3. Open session for your questions and suggestions.

We highly recommend to attend this meeting.

For our planning, a short statement whether or not you plan to participate is highly appreciated (just send a quick mail to <link>

We are looking forward to seeing you soon!

P.S.: Students of the program should have received this information via  our mailing list. If you are an MS ESE student and did not receive the announcement, contact us via the e-mail address above and we will add you to the list.