
Con­trol­led AC Dri­ves /Ge­re­gel­te Dreh­stro­man­trie­be in sum­mer term 2023

We are pleased to inform you that the lecture Controlled AC Drives (Geregelte Drehstromantriebe) will take place again in the upcoming summer semester of 2023.
However, there will be some changes of the structure:

  • The lectures will be given by Prof. J. Böcker and are offered in a concentrated format on
    • Tuesdays (starting at 14:00, two to three lecture units) and the following
    • Wednesdays (starting at 11:00, two lecture units).
    • There will be 3 or 4 of such concentrated units, with the first one taking place on April 18/19.
  • Exercises will be scheduled between these concentrated lecture sessions.
  • The exam will take place in written form.

The lecture will only take place with an adequate number of students. However, the teaching assignment is still subject to approvement.
Furthermore, we will provide the opportunity to take part in a practical tutorial with real laboratory testbenches.
Here, we will apply the studied drive control strategies to electrical drives to gain some insights into real-world applications.

For more information see: PDF


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Prof. Dr.-Ing. Joachim Böcker

Leistungselektronik und Elektrische Antriebstechnik (LEA)

E-Mail schreiben
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M.Sc. Anian Brosch

Leistungselektronik und Elektrische Antriebstechnik (LEA)

Modellprädiktive direkte Drehmomentregelung permanent erregter Synchronmotoren

E-Mail schreiben +49 5251 60-4631
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Lukas Hölsch

Leistungselektronik und Elektrische Antriebstechnik (LEA)

Co-Simulation elektrischer Antriebe

E-Mail schreiben +49 5251 60-3011
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Mario Peña López

Leistungselektronik und Elektrische Antriebstechnik (LEA)

Regelung automobiler Antriebe

E-Mail schreiben +49 5251 60-2212