
Team mem­bers win Fear­less Steps Chal­lenge

The Apollo space mission is one of the greatest scientific achievements of mankind. At UT Dallas, 19,000 hours of original analaog tape recordings of the communication between astronauts and ground station has been digitized. The data has been made public, and challenges have been defined where researchers can test and compare their latest algorithms for robust speech processing. The data is very challenging due to various signal degradations, such as non-stationary noise, band limitations, and analog tape ageing effects. To this year's edition of the "Fearless Steps Challenge" 111 submissions have been made. Jens Heitkaemper and Joerg Schmalenstroeer of Fachgebiet Nachrichtentechnik won the challenge on Speech Activity Detection with their specially designed neural network. Congratulations to this great success!

All results are available at the following website:


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Jens Heitkämper

Communications Engineering / Heinz Nixdorf Institute

Research & Teaching