Intelligent Energy Systems
Our research on intelligent energy systems includes service and development work for industrial partners (mostly contract research) as well as basic research (mostly publicly funded). Focus topics are:
- Energy management in complex systems
- Optimal system operation of micro- and smart-grids with respect to efficiency, costs, etc.
- Safe operation of islanded and remote microgrids
- Maximization of renewable energy generation in local systems
- Sector coupling strategies addressing heat, gas and mobility
- Multi-objective and hierarchical optimal control frameworks
- Hardware design for electric energy systems
- Hybrid battery storages
- High power and high efficiency power electronics
- Monitoring and control devices for AC & DC grids
Below you will find a selection of the publicly funded research projects of our chair. In addition, you will find further insights into our research work in our publication list.
If you would like to cooperate with us or are interested in a research and development service, please contact us:

> Power Electronics and Electrical Drives
Chief Engineer - Former - Teamleader Electrical Drives & Smart Energy Systems
Office: E4.124
Phone: +49 5251 60-3653
Web: Homepage
Office hours: