Wel­come to the De­part­ment of En­ergy Sys­tem Tech­no­lo­gies (EST)


Our vision is a sustainable energy future through local, integrated energy systems in the context of the global energy transition.

Based on local energy needs and  possibilities of energy conversion and distribution, we research, develop and realise holistic concepts for sustainable energy use. Our research work is cross-sectoral and deals with regional energy systems and grids with a focus on the energy transition in industry and the urban heating transition, among others.

In order to realise our vision, we deal with both fundamental issues and application-oriented aspects. Methodologically, we build on the modelling, simulation and optimisation of energy systems, from the industrial process level to residential districts and holistic regional representation. Conceptually, the direct and indirect electrification of areas not previously supplied with electricity and the associated sector coupling are key components. Another focus is on data analysis and the transfer of energy technology expertise into digital assistance systems.

Our work is interdisciplinary and interfaces in particular with mechanical engineering, computer science and the natural, economic and social sciences.

The EST department, which is part of electrical engineering, is a member of the Com­pet­ence Centre for Sus­tain­able En­ergy Tech­no­logy (KET), the Software Innovation Campus Paderborn (SICP) and the Key re­search area “Sus­tain­able Ma­ter­i­als, Pro­cesses and Products”.