Re­search fo­cus at the De­part­ment of En­ergy Sys­tems Tech­no­lo­gies

The newly founded Department of Energy Systems Engineering is focused on the research and development of decentralized, sustainable energy generation and distribution as well as the analysis of energy demand. The research is interdisciplinary and has in particular interfaces to mechanical engineering, computer science as well as to natural, economic and social sciences. For this purpose, the main topics are divided into the following three areas:

1. Regional renewable energy systems

Investigation of decentralized, sustainable energy systems and evaluation of the effects on higher-level interconnected systems. Consideration of all energy sectors and analysis of suitable sector coupling concepts (including coupling of the electricity system, mobility and heating and cooling supply). Development of simulation and evaluation methods.

2. Industrial and commercial sector coupling concepts

Development and investigation of industrial and commercial sector coupling concepts as an essential component of regional renewable energy systems. Survey the potential for energy efficiency measures and load management as a core component of industrial and commercial sector coupling concepts and virtual power plants.

3. Data analysis in the context of renewable energy systems

Determination and processing of data for the control of virtual power plants and micro smart grids and development of new business areas in the context of the digital energy industry.