ONT 1: Simulation of Optical Communication (1) - Impact of chromatic dispersion and laser chirp on a sinusoidally intensity-modulated optical signal transmitted over various fiber lengths
- Bit error ratio (BER) of digitally intensity-modulated signal as a function of fiber length
- Chromatic dispersion compensation
- BER as a function of bit rate
- 10-Gbit/s data transmission at 1300 nm using a directly modulated DFB laser (DML
- 10-Gbit/s data transmission at 1550 nm using an externally modulated DFB laser (EML)
- Polarization mode dispersion (PMD)
- Splicing of optical glass fibers
- Measurement of differential group delay (DGD) of polarization-maintaining fibers (PMF)
- Operation of a fiber-optic Mach-Zehnder interferometer (MZI)
- Measurement of a laser linewidth
- Rayleigh scattering
- Transmission over 63 km of standard singlemode fiber (SSMF)
- Data transmission with high optical power, self-phase modulation (SPM
- Four-wave mixing (FWM)
- Adjustment of given polarizations
- Recording of a polarization trajectory on the Poincaré sphere
- Experiment with a polarizer
- Optical amplification using an erbium-doped fiber amplifier (EDFA)
- Brillouin amplification
- Optical amplification using semiconductors
- Optical equalization
- Amplification spectra, output power spectra, noise figure measurement, optical transparency, dynamic linearity
- Non-return-to-zero (NRZ) and return-to-zero (RZ) modulation
- Binary and duobinary modulation
- 4-IM
- Dispersion tolerance
- Determination of output power and optical frequency of a laser as a function of temperature and pump current
- Beat signal between two lasers
- Automatic optical frequency control
- Multi-phase beat signals
- QPSK data transmission
- Analysis of complex propagation scenarios: Nonlinear effects, multi-wavelength transmission, advanced optical modulation schemes
| HF1: Network Analysis - Scattering parameter measurement of a coaxial transmission line with different wave impedance
- Scattering parameter measurement of an isolator and of directional couplers
- Measuring on an amplifier
- Amplifier as frequency doubler
- Matched and unmatched transmission line
- Analysis of a bit pattern with a sampling oscilloscope
- Measurement of a bit pattern using a spectrum analyzer
- Harmonics and mixing
- Scattering parameter measurement of waveguides
- Measurement on antennas
- Measurements using free-space waves
- Simulation and optimization of high-frequency components and cirquits using the program ADS
- Principle of a phase locked loop
- Control parameter
- Frequency range for locking
- Introducing of a dead time