Lab Course B

Description and general Information

The aim of the lab is to deepen already acquired knowledge from the electrotechnical lectures and to apply basic methods from the fields of materials of electrical engineering, semiconductor components and digital engineering. The following subjects are responsible for carrying out the internship:

  • Computer Engineering Group (Experiments 1-6)
  • Sensor Technology Group(Experiments 7-9)

To confirm the sucessful participation to the labortorial internship B each student as to provide a form with the positive assesment of each experiment. This form will be distibuted during the first experiment. Each student is responsible for this form. The intership is carried out in groups of 6 students. The group division is done on panda. Log in to panda and search for the couse "Laborpraktikum B". Any further information can be found there.

Experiments 1-6

The Experiments organized at the Computer Engineering Group are organized as a project. A floatng point adder has to be designend and mapped to a FPGA board. With the help of an industry-recognized description language (VHDL) basics knowledge of the design, implementation and verification of a digital design on an FPGA are acquired during the experiments.

Room O3.219

The experiments are based on the "Digital Design" lecture. This is the basis for this internship, which is to be deepened here. "Digital Design" is therefore regarded as a prerequisite, since during the execution of the experiment the time does not exist to explain all the basics again.

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