Publikationen 2020 bis heute
L. Claes, J. Lankeit, and M. Winkler, A model for heat generation by acoustic waves in piezoelectric materials: Global large-data solutions. Cornell University, 2024.
D. Dreiling, D. Itner, T. Hetkämper, C. Birk, H. Gravenkamp, and B. Henning, “A pulse-echo measurement setup to determine viscoelastic material parameters,” in 2023 International Congress on Ultrasonics, Beijing, China, 2024, vol. 2822, p. 012169, doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/2822/1/012169.
L. Claes and M. Wippermann, Analysis of guided acoustic waves in periodically structured plates. Guided Ultrasonic Waves: Emerging Methods (GUWEM) Workshop, Überherrn, 2024.
L. Claes, T. Hetkämper, H. Zeipert, and B. Henning, “Auswertung der modalen Dämpfung von geführten akustischen Wellen in faserverstärkten Kunststoffplatten,” in 22. GMA/ITG-Fachtagung – Sensoren und Messsysteme 2024, 2024, pp. 300–305, doi: 10.5162/sensoren2024/D1.2.
H. Zeipert, J. Hölscher, L. Claes, and B. Henning, “Beschreibung des akustischen Verhaltens verklebter plattenförmiger Strukturen mittels Kopplungsmodellen,” in Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2024, 2024, pp. 640–643.
T. Hetkämper and L. Meihost, Bits und Bytes - Mikrocontroller verstehen mit modularer Hardware. Tag der Lehre, Universität Paderborn, 2024.
L. Claes, S. Johannesmann, H. Zeipert, and B. Henning, “Broadband acoustic waves in plate-like structures for acoustic material characterisation,” in 2023 International Congress on Ultrasonics, Beijing, China, 2024, vol. 2822, p. 012171, doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/2822/1/012171.
T. Hetkämper, L. Claes, and B. Henning, “Das Unhörbare sehen - Ultraschall mittels Schlierentechnik visualisieren,” Akustik Journal, vol. 2, pp. 18–25, 2024.
D. Dreiling, D. Itner, H. Gravenkamp, C. Birk, and B. Henning, “Die Bestimmung viskoelastischer Materialparameter von Polymeren mittels eines Puls-Echo-Messverfahrens,” tm - Technisches Messen, vol. 91, no. s1, pp. 26–31, 2024, doi: 10.1515/teme-2024-0045.
L. Claes, “Einfluss der periodischen Struktur auf geführte Wellen in gewebeverstärkten Polymeren,” in Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2024, 2024, pp. 620–623.
O. Friesen, L. Claes, N. Feldmann, and B. Henning, “Estimation of piezoelectric material parameters of ring-shaped specimens,” tm - Technisches Messen, 2024, doi:
O. Friesen, L. Claes, C. Scheidemann, N. Feldmann, T. Hemsel, and B. Henning, “Estimation of temperature-dependent piezoelectric material parameters using ring-shaped specimens,” in 2023 International Congress on Ultrasonics, Beijing, China, 2024, vol. 2822, p. 012125, doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/2822/1/012125.
K. Koch, L. Claes, B. Jurgelucks, L. Meihost, and B. Henning, “Inverses Verfahren zur Identifikation piezoelektrischer Materialparameter unterstützt durch neuronale Netze,” in Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2024, 2024, pp. 1113–1116.
L. Claes, K. Koch, O. Friesen, and L. Meihost, Machine learning in inverse measurement problems: An application to piezoelectric material characterisation. International Workshop on Piezoelectric Materials and Applications (IWPMA), 2024.
K. Koch, L. Claes, B. Jurgelucks, and L. Meihost, “Neuronale Netze zur Startwertschätzung bei der Identifikation piezoelektrischer Materialparameter,” tm - Technisches Messen, 2024, doi: 10.1515/teme-2024-0099.
M. Nicolai, J. Bulling, Y. Lugovtsova, H. Zeipert, J. Prager, and B. Henning, “On the repulsion effect of coupled Lamb wave modes,” in Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2024, 2024, pp. 632–635.
M. Nicolai, J. Bulling, Y. Lugovtsova, H. Zeipert, J. Prager, and B. Henning, “On the repulsion effect of coupled Lamb waves modes,” presented at the ICSV30, Annual Congress of International Institute of Acoustics and Vibration (IIAV), Amsterdam, 2024.
L. Claes and M. Webersen, pyfds 0.3.1 - modular field simulation tool. GitHub, Inc., 2024.
K. Koch, O. Friesen, and L. Claes, Randomised material parameter impedance dataset of piezoelectric rings. Zenodo, 2024.
K. Koch and L. Claes, Randomised material parameter piezoelectric impedance dataset with structured electrodes. zenodo, 2024.
T. Hetkämper, T. Nellius, L. Claes, and B. Henning, “Visualisierung tomografischer Daten aus Schlierenabbildungen mittels 3D Gaussian Splatting,” in 22. GMA/ITG-Fachtagung – Sensoren und Messsysteme 2024, 2024, pp. 362–367, doi: 10.5162/sensoren2024/D4.2.
T. Hetkämper, K. Koch, M. Webersen, and L. Claes, “Application-based learning of signal analysis methods with the help of a graphical open-source software,” presented at the SEFI 2023 Annual Conference, 2023, doi: 10.21427/159K-G445.
L. Claes, “Bestimmung der Volumenviskosität mittels akustischer Absorptionsmessung,” in Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2023, Hamburg, 2023, pp. 7–14.
M. Nicolai et al., “Characterization of adhesion strength using guided ultrasonic waves,” in Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2023, Hamburg, 2023, pp. 823–826.
D. Dreiling, D. Itner, T. Hetkämper, C. Birk, H. Gravenkamp, and B. Henning, “Improved determination of viscoelastic material parameters using a pulse-echo measurement setup,” in SMSI 2023 Conference, Nürnberg, 2023, pp. 394–395, doi: 10.5162/SMSI2023/P59.
C. Scheidemann, T. Hemsel, O. Friesen, L. Claes, and W. Sextro, “Influence of Temperature and Pre-Stress on the Piezoelectric Material Behavior of Ring-Shaped Ceramics,” presented at the 7th International Conference on Advanced Electromaterials (ICAE 2023), Jeju, Korea, 2023.
C. Scheidemann, T. Hemsel, O. Friesen, L. Claes, and W. Sextro, “Influence of Temperature and Pre-Stress on the Piezoelectric Material Behavior of Ring-Shaped Ceramics,” presented at the International Conference on Functional Materials & Devices 2023 (ICFMD 2023), Incheon, Korea, 2023.
L. Claes et al., “Inverse procedure for measuring piezoelectric material parameters using a single multi-electrode sample,” Journal of Sensors and Sensor Systems, vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 163–173, 2023, doi: 10.5194/jsss-12-163-2023.
L. Claes, L. Meihost, and B. Jurgelucks, Inverse procedure for the identification of piezoelectric material parameters supported by dense neural networks. GAMM Annual Meeting, Dresden, 2023.
H. Zeipert, C. von Germeten, O. Friesen, L. Claes, S. Johannesmann, and B. Henning, “Investigation of change in dispersive behaviour during adhesive curing in multi-layered structures,” in Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2023, Hamburg, 2023, pp. 819–822.
T. Hetkämper, K. Koch, L. Claes, and B. Henning, “Phase-preserving methods to visualise ultrasonic fields with schlieren imaging,” tm - Technisches Messen, vol. 90, no. 2, pp. 103–112, 2023, doi: 10.1515/teme-2022-0112.
T. Hetkämper, L. Claes, and B. Henning, “Vorzeichenrichtige tomographische Rekonstruktion von Ultraschallfeldern mit Hilfe der Schlierentechnik,” tm - Technisches Messen, vol. 90, no. s1, pp. 49–54, 2023, doi: 10.1515/teme-2023-0069.
V. Inguva et al., “An explicit symplectic approach to solving the wave equation in moving media,” Engineering Reports, Art. no. e12573, 2022, doi: 10.1002/eng2.12573.
D. Itner, H. Gravenkamp, D. Dreiling, C. Birk, and B. Henning, Differentiation of an SBFE model in the context of material parameter determination. WCCM, Yokohama: International Association for Computational Mechanics (IACM), 2022.
O. Friesen, L. Claes, N. Feldmann, and B. Henning, Estimation of piezoelectric material parameters of ring-shaped specimens. International Workshop on Piezoelectric Materials and Applications in Actuators (IWPMA), 2022.
S. Johannesmann, L. Claes, and B. Henning, “Estimation of viscoelastic material parameters of polymers using Lamb waves,” in Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2022, Stuttgart, 2022, pp. 1401–1404.
L. Claes, N. Feldmann, V. Schulze, B. Jurgelucks, A. Walther, and B. Henning, “Identification of piezoelectric material parameters using optimised multi-electrode specimens,” in Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2022, Stuttgart, 2022, pp. 1326–1329.
S. Johannesmann, Inverses Verfahren zur Bestimmung viskoelastischer Materialparameter. Workshop “Messtechnische Anwendungen von Ultraschall”, Drübeck, 2022.
S. Johannesmann, L. Claes, N. Feldmann, H. Zeipert, and B. Henning, “Lamb wave based approach to the determination of acoustic material parameters,” tm - Technisches Messen, vol. 89, no. 7–8, pp. 493–506, 2022, doi: 10.1515/teme-2021-0134.
L. Claes, Messverfahren für die akustische Absorption zur Bestimmung der Volumenviskosität. Workshop “Messtechnische Anwendungen von Ultraschall”, Drübeck, 2022.
M. Nicolai et al., “Quantification of the adhesive coupling of layered structures using guided ultrasonic waves,” in Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2022, Stuttgart, 2022, pp. 1394–1397.
T. Hetkämper, L. Claes, and B. Henning, “Schlieren imaging with fractional Fourier transform to visualise ultrasonic fields,” presented at the 21. ITG/GMA- Fachtagung Sensoren und Messsysteme 2022, Nürnberg, 2022.
T. Hetkämper, Visualisierung von Ultraschallfeldern mittels Schlierentechnik und fraktionaler Fouriertransformation. Workshop “Messtechnische Anwendungen von Ultraschall”, Drübeck, 2022.
N. Feldmann, Ein modellbasiertes Messverfahren zur Charakterisierung von Piezokeramiken unter Verwendung eines einzelnen scheibenförmigen Probekörpers. Universität Paderborn, 2021.
H. Zeipert et al., “An approach to adhesive bond characterisation using guided acoustic waves in multi-layered plates,” at - Automatisierungstechnik, pp. 962–969, 2021, doi: 10.1515/auto-2021-0089.
D. Dreiling, D. Itner, N. Feldmann, C. Scheidemann, H. Gravenkamp, and B. Henning, “Application and modelling of ultrasonic transducers using 1-3 piezoelectric composites with structured electrodes,” presented at the DAGA 2021 - 47. JAHRESTAGUNG FÜR AKUSTIK, Wien, 2021.
D. Itner, H. Gravenkamp, D. Dreiling, N. Feldmann, and B. Henning, “Efficient semi-analytical simulation of elastic guided waves in cylinders subject to arbitrary non-symmetric loads,” Ultrasonics, Art. no. 106389, 2021, doi: 10.1016/j.ultras.2021.106389.
L. Claes, H. Schmiegel, C. Grünsteidl, S. Johannesmann, M. Webersen, and B. Henning, “Investigating peculiarities of piezoelectric detection methods for acoustic plate waves in material characterisation applications,” tm - Technisches Messen, vol. 88, no. 3, pp. 147–155, 2021.
S. Johannesmann, L. Claes, and B. Henning, “Lamb wave based approach to the determination of elastic and viscoelastic material parameters,” tm - Technisches Messen, vol. 88, no. s1, pp. s28–s33, 2021.
H. Zeipert et al., “Measurement and Simulation of Lamb Waves in Adhesive-bonded Multilayer Systems,” presented at the Sensor and Measurement Science International, Nürnberg, 2021, pp. 91–92.
L. Claes et al., “Measurement procedure for acoustic absorption and bulk viscosity of liquids,” Measurement, Art. no. 109919, 2021, doi: 10.1016/j.measurement.2021.109919.
L. Claes, Messverfahren für die akustische Absorption in reinen Fluiden zur Bestimmung der Volumenviskosität. Universiät Paderborn, 2021.
N. Feldmann et al., “Modelling damping in piezoceramics: A comparative study,” tm - Technisches Messen, vol. 88, no. 5, pp. 294–302, 2021, doi: 10.1515/teme-2020-0096.
D. Itner, H. Gravenkamp, D. Dreiling, N. Feldmann, and B. Henning, On the forward simulation and cost functions for the ultrasonic material characterization of polymers . GAMM Annual Meeting, Kassel, 2021.
V. Schulze, S. Schmidt, B. Jurgelucks, N. Feldmann, and L. Claes, Optimal experiment design with respect to electrode configurations for a piezoelectric problem. GAMM Annual Meeting, Kassel, 2021.
L. Claes et al., “Optimised Multi-Electrode Topology for Piezoelectric Material Characterisation,” Nürnberg, 2021, pp. 237–238, doi: 10.5162/SMSI2021/A10.1.
V. Schulze, S. Schmidt, B. Jurgelucks, N. Feldmann, and L. Claes, Piezoelectric BC Modeling for Electrode Shapes with OED. GAMM Juniors’ Summer School 2021, Graz, 2021.
H. Zeipert, S. Johannesmann, M. Nicolai, Y. Lugovtsova, J. Prager, and B. Henning, “Quantifying the coupling strength of adhesively bonded materials by investigating mode repulsion regions,” presented at the DAGA 2021 - 47. Jahrestagung für Akustik, Wien, 2021.
D. Itner, H. Gravenkamp, D. Dreiling, N. Feldmann, and B. Henning, “Simulation of guided waves in cylinders subject to arbitrary boundary conditions for applications in material characterization,” PAMM, 2021.
D. Itner, H. Gravenkamp, D. Dreiling, N. Feldmann, and B. Henning, “Simulation of Guided Waves in Cylinders Subject to Arbitrary Boundary Conditions Using the Scaled Boundary Finite Element Method,” in 14th WCCM-ECCOMAS Congress, 2021, vol. 700, doi: 10.23967/wccm-eccomas.2020.307.
T. Hetkämper, D. Dreiling, L. Claes, and B. Henning, “Tomographie des Schallfelds von Ultraschallwandlern mittels Schlierentechnik,” presented at the DAGA 2021 - 47. Jahrestagung für Akustik, 2021.
M. Webersen, Zerstörungsfreie Charakterisierung der elastischen Materialeigenschaften thermoplastischer Polymerwerkstoffe mittels Ultraschall. Universitätsbibliothek Paderborn, 2021.
T. Hetkämper, M. Krumme, D. Dreiling, and L. Claes, “A modular, scalable open-hardware platform for project-based laboratory courses in electrical engineering studies,” in SEFI 48th Annual Conference Proceedings - Engaging Engineering Education, Enschede, 2020, pp. 1309–1313.
M. Krumme, M. Webersen, L. Claes, and Y. Webersen, “Analoge Klangsynthese zur Vermittlung von Grundkenntnissen der Signalverarbeitung an Studierende nicht-technischer Fachrichtungen,” in Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2020, 2020, pp. 542–545.
S. Johannesmann, S. Becker, M. Webersen, and B. Henning, “Determination of Murnaghan constants of plate-shaped polymers under uniaxial tensile load,” in SMSI 2020 - Measurement Science, Nuremberg, 2020.
L. Claes, C. Steidl, T. Hetkämper, and B. Henning, Estimation of acoustic wave non-linearity in ultrasonic measurement systems. Cornell University, 2020.
D. Dreiling, D. T. Itner, N. Feldmann, H. Gravenkamp, and B. Henning, “Increasing the sensitivity in the determination of material parameters by using arbitrary loads in ultrasonic transmission measurements,” presented at the Sensor and Measurement Science International, Nürnberg, 2020.
N. Feldmann, V. Schulze, L. Claes, B. Jurgelucks, A. Walther, and B. Henning, “Inverse piezoelectric material parameter characterization using a single disc-shaped specimen,” tm - Technisches Messen, pp. 50–55, 2020, doi: 10.1515/teme-2020-0012.
M. Poeplau, S. Ester, B. Henning, and T. Wagner, “Recombination mechanisms of luminescence type gas sensors,” Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2020.
L. Claes, E. Baumhögger, T. Rüther, J. Gierse, T. Tröster, and B. Henning, “Reduction of systematic measurement deviation in acoustic absorption measurement systems,” in Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2020, 2020, pp. 1077–1080.
N. Feldmann, V. Schulze, B. Jurgelucks, and B. Henning, “Solving piezoelectric inverse problems using Algorithmic Differentiation,” in Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2020, 2020, pp. 1125–1128.
E. Moritzer, M. Hüttner, B. Henning, and M. Webersen, “The Influence of Hydrothermal Aging on the Material Properties of Continuous Fiber-Reinforced Thermoplastics and its Non-Destructive Characterization,” in Advances in Polymer Processing 2020, C. Hopmann and R. Dahlmann, Eds. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer, 2020.
M. Poeplau, S. Ester, B. Henning, and T. Wagner, “Zinkoxid als photostabiler Luminophor zur optischen Sauerstoffdetektion,” 2020, doi: 10.5162/sensoren2019/5.2.3.
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Publikationen 2015 bis 2019
D. Dreiling, N. Feldmann, and B. Henning, “A DC bias approach to the characterisation of non-linear material parameters of piezoelectric ceramics,” presented at the 20. GMA/ITG-Fachtagung Sensoren und Messsysteme 2019, Nürnberg, 2019, doi: 10.5162/sensoren2019/5.1.2.
N. Feldmann, B. Jurgelucks, L. Claes, and B. Henning, “A sensitivity-based optimisation procedure for the characterisation of piezoelectric discs,” in 2019 International Congress on Ultrasonics, 2019.
L. Claes et al., “Acoustic absorption measurement for the determination of the volume viscosity of pure fluids / Messverfahren für die akustischen Absorption zur Bestimmung der Volumenviskosität reiner Fluide,” tm - Technisches Messen, pp. 2–6, 2019.
M. Webersen, M. Hüttner, F. Woitschek, E. Moritzer, and B. Henning, “Akustische Charakterisierung der mechanischen Eigenschaften künstlich gealterter Polymere,” in Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2019, Rostock, 2019.
Y. Lugovtsova, S. Johannesmann, B. Henning, and J. Prager, “Analysis of Lamb wave mode repulsion and its implications to the characterisation of adhesive bonding strength,” in 2019 International Congress on Ultrasonics, Bruges, 2019.
B. Jurgelucks, V. Schulze, N. Feldmann, and L. Claes, Arbitrary sensitivity for inverse problems in piezoelectricity. GAMM Annual Meeting, Wien, 2019.
S. Johannesmann, M. Webersen, J. Düchting, L. Claes, and B. Henning, “Characterization of the linear-acoustic material behavior of fiber-reinforced composites using lamb waves,” in 45th Annual Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation , Burlington, 2019, vol. 38.
T. Hetkämper, L. Claes, and B. Henning, “Evolutionary algorithm for the design of passive electric matching networks for ultrasonic transducers,” in 2019 International Congress on Ultrasonics, Bruges, 2019.
C. Thiel, C. Steidl, and B. Henning, “P2.9 Comparison of deep feature extraction techniques for varying-length time series from an industrial piercing press,” in 20. GMA/ITG-Fachtagung. Sensoren und Messsysteme 2019, 2019.
L. Claes, S. Johannesmann, E. Baumhögger, and B. Henning, “Quantification of frequency-dependent absorption phenomena,” in 2019 International Congress on Ultrasonics, Bruges, 2019.
S. Johannesmann, D. Springer, C. Thiel, and B. Henning, “Störeffektunterdrückung in 2D-Messdaten mittels DiscoGAN,” in Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2019, Rostock, 2019, vol. 45, pp. 1055–1058.
S. Johannesmann, T. Brockschmidt, F. Rump, M. Webersen, L. Claes, and B. Henning, “Acoustic material characterization of prestressed, plate-shaped specimens,” in Sensoren und Messsysteme, 2018, pp. 231–234.
L. Claes, H. Zeipert, P. Koppa, T. Tröster, and B. Henning, Additiv gefertigte, akustische Diffusor-Strukturen für Ultraschallanwendungen. Workshop “Messtechnische Anwendungen von Ultraschall”, Drübeck, 2018.
M. Webersen, S. Johannesmann, J. Düchting, L. Claes, and B. Henning, “Akustische Charakterisierung der richtungsabhängigen elastischen Eigenschaften faserverstärkter Kunststoffe,” in Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2018, 2018, pp. 1263–1266.
S. Johannesmann, J. Düchting, M. Webersen, L. Claes, and B. Henning, “An acoustic waveguide-based approach to the complete characterisation of linear elastic, orthotropic material behaviour,” tm - Technisches Messen, vol. 2018, no. 85, pp. 478–486, 2018.
N. Feldmann, B. Jurgelucks, L. Claes, V. Schulze, B. Henning, and A. Walther, “An inverse approach to the characterisation of material parameters of piezoelectric discs with triple-ring-electrodes,” tm - Technisches Messen, vol. 86, no. 2, pp. 59–65, 2018.
N. Feldmann and B. Henning, “Efficient optimisation of initial values for characterising piezoelectric material parameters,” in Fortschritte der Akustik, 2018, pp. 1275–1278.
M. Webersen, S. Johannesmann, T. Brockschmidt, F. Rump, L. Claes, and B. Henning, Einfluss mechanischer Vorspannung auf das mechanische Materialverhalten von Polymeren. Workshop “Messtechnische Anwendungen von Ultraschall”, Drübeck, 2018.
C. Thiel, N. Feldmann, and B. Henning, “Extraction of Interpretable Features from Temporal Measurements using Approximate Prototypes,” in Sensoren und Messsysteme 2018, 2018, pp. 536–539.
M. Webersen, S. Johannesmann, J. Düchting, L. Claes, and B. Henning, “Guided ultrasonic waves for determining effective orthotropic material parameters of continuous-fiber reinforced thermoplastic plates,” Ultrasonics, vol. 84, pp. 53–62, 2018.
L. Claes, N. Feldmann, and B. Henning, Materialparameter von bleihaltigen und bleifreien Piezokeramiken und ihre Bedeutung in der Anwendung. PI Ceramic Akademie, Lederhose, 2018.
B. Jurgelucks, L. Claes, A. Walther, and B. Henning, “Optimization of triple-ring electrodes on piezoceramic transducers using algorithmic differentiation,” Optimization Methods and Software, vol. 33, no. 4–6, pp. 868--888, 2018, doi: 10.1080/10556788.2018.1435652.
N. Feldmann, B. Jurgelucks, L. Claes, and B. Henning, Vollständige Charakterisierung von piezoelektrischen Scheiben mit Ringelektroden. Workshop “Messtechnische Anwendungen von Ultraschall”, Drübeck, 2018.
L. Claes, R. S. Chatwell, J. Vrabec, and B. Henning, “A Spectral Approach to Acoustic Absorption Measurement,” in PROCEEDINGS -- AMA Conferences 2017, 2017, pp. 304–309.
L. Claes, A. Jäger, S. Johannesmann, M. Webersen, M. Kupnik, and B. Henning, “Acoustic Material Characterization of Additively Manufactured Components,” in PROCEEDINGS -- AMA Conferences 2017, 2017, pp. 605–610.
L. Claes, H. Zeipert, P. Koppa, T. Tröster, and B. Henning, “Additively manufactured acoustic diffuser structures for ultrasonic measurement applications,” in Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics, 2017, p. 030004.
N. Feldmann, F. Bause, and B. Henning, “Determining fractional Zener model parameters from low frequency DMA measurements,” in Proceedings – AMA Conferences 2017, 2017.
S. Olfert, S. Becker, and B. Henning, “Erweiterung des Mason-Modells zur Beschreibung eines Partikelbelags auf einer Quarzscheibe,” in Deutsche Gesellschaft für Akustik e.V. 2017- Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2017, 2017, pp. 1015–1018.
A. Jäger, S. Johannesmann, L. Claes, M. Webersen, B. Henning, and M. Kupnik, “Evaluating the Influence of 3D-Printing Parameters on Acoustic Material Properties,” in 2017 IEEE IUS~Proceedings, 2017.
S. Johannesmann, L. Claes, M. Webersen, and B. Henning, “Inverser Ansatz zur akustischen Charakterisierung plattenförmiger Materialproben,” in Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2017, 2017, pp. 999–1002.
B. Jurgelucks, N. Feldmann, L. Claes, B. Henning, and A. Walther, “Material parameter determination of a piezoelectric disc with triple-ring-electrodes for increased sensitivity,” in Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics, 2017, p. 030010.
L. Claes, N. Feldmann, and B. Henning, Spektrale Verfahren zur Bestimmung der akustischen Absorption in fluiden Medien. Workshop “Schallfeldbasierte Messverfahren”, Drübeck, 2017.
M. Webersen and B. Henning, Ultraschallbasierte Charakterisierung des Alterungsverhaltens von Polymeren. 2017.
F. Bause, L. Claes, M. Webersen, and B. Henning, “Ultrasonic measurements in the characterization of viscoelasticity and aging of polymers,” in PROCEEDINGS -- AMA Conferences 2017, 2017, p. 414.
F. Bause, L. Claes, M. Webersen, S. Johannesmann, and B. Henning, “Viskoelastizität und Anisotropie von Kunststoffen: Ultraschallbasierte Methoden zur Materialparameterbestimmung,” tm - Technisches Messen, vol. 84, no. 3, 2017.
S. Ester, M. Struschka, and B. Henning, “3.2.3 - Direktgravimetrischer Partikelmasse-Sensor zur quasikontinuierlichen Emissionsmessung,” 2016.
F. Bause and B. Henning, “5.3.1 - Ein ultraschallbasiertes inverses Messverfahren zur Charakterisierung viskoelastischer Materialparameter von Polymeren,” 2016.
E. Moritzer, M. Hüttner, B. Henning, and M. Webersen, “An Approach to Non-Destructive Testing of Aged Polymers,” presented at the 32nd International Conference of the Polymer Processing Society, Lyon, 2016.
S. Olfert and B. Henning, Anwendungsm\"oglichkeiten der Schallfeldvisualisierung in der Ultraschallmesstechnik. LibreCat University, 20AD.
M. Webersen, S. Johannesmann, L. Claes, and B. Henning, “Characterization of Continuous-fiber Reinforced Thermoplastics Using Thermoacoustically Excited Ultrasonic Lamb Waves,” in 2016 IEEE IUS~Proceedings, 2016.
E. Moritzer, M. Hüttner, B. Henning, and M. Webersen, “Detecting Molecular Damage,” Kunststoffe International, no. 4, pp. 43–45, 2016.
L. Claes, T. Meyer, F. Bause, J. Rautenberg, and B. Henning, “Determination of the material properties of polymers using laser-generated broadband ultrasound,” Journal of Sensors and Sensor Systems, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 187–196, 2016, doi: 10.5194/jsss-5-187-2016.
F. Bause, Ein ultraschallbasiertes inverses Messverfahren zur Charakterisierung viskoelastischer Materialparameter von Polymeren. Universität Paderborn, 2016.
S. Olfert and B. Henning, “Erweiterung des Raman-Nath-Modells zur Analyse von Schlierenabbildungen,” Technisches Messen, vol. 83, no. 4, pp. 219–224, 2016, doi: 10.1515/teme-2015-0116.
N. Feldmann, F. Bause, and B. Henning, GUM-konforme Unsicherheitsabschätzung bei inversen Problemen am Beispiel akustischer Transmissionsmessungen. 2016.
B. Jurgelucks and L. Claes, Increasing the Sensitivity of Impedance with Respect to Material Parameters of Triple-Ring Electrode Piezoelectric Transducers using Algorithmic Differentiation. Workshop on Direct and Inverse Problems in Piezoelectricity, Erlangen, 2016.
B. Fischer and L. Claes, “Miniaturized all-optical Sound Pressure Sensor,” in INTER-NOISE 2016, 2016.
E. Moritzer, M. Hüttner, B. Henning, and M. Webersen, “Molekularen Schäden auf der Spur,” Kunststoffe, no. 4, pp. 94–96, 2016.
E. Moritzer, M. Hüttner, B. Henning, and M. Webersen, “Non-destructive characterization of hygrothermally aged polymers,” presented at the ANTEC 2016, Indianapolis, 2016.
B. Jurgelucks and L. Claes, “Optimisation of triple-ring-electrodes on piezoceramic transducers using algorithmic differentiation,” in AD2016 The 7th International Conference on Algorithmic Differentiation, Christ Church, Oxford, United Kingdom, 2016, pp. 99–102.
E. Moritzer, M. Hüttner, B. Henning, and M. Webersen, “Ultraschallbasierte Charakterisierung von gealterten Polymeren,” in Jahresmagazin Kunststofftechnik 2016, Institut für Wissenschaftliche Veröffentlichungen, Ed. 2016, pp. 2–7.
F. Bause et al., “Ultrasonic transmission measurements in the characterization of viscoelasticity utilizing polymeric waveguides,” Measurement Science and Technology, vol. 27, no. 10, 2016.
N. Feldmann, F. Bause, and B. Henning, “Uncertainty estimation for linearised inverse problems comparing Bayesian inference and a pseudoinverse approach for acoustic transmission measurements,” tm - Technisches Messen, vol. 84, no. 4, 2016.
N. Feldmann, F. Bause, and B. Henning, “Vergleich zweier Verfahren der Unsicherheitsabschätzung bei linearisierten inversen Problemen mittels Bayes’scher Inferenz und Pseudoinverse am Beispiel akustischer Transmissionsmessung,” in Sensoren und Messsysteme 2016, Nürnberg, 2016.
M. Webersen, M. Hüttner, F. Bause, E. Moritzer, and B. Henning, “Zerstörungsfreie Charakterisierung des hydrothermischen Alterungsverhaltens von Polymeren,” presented at the 18. GMA/ITG-Fachtagung Sensoren und Messsysteme 2016, Nürnberg, 2016, pp. 683–688.
S. Olfert and B. Henning, Analyse integral erfasster rotationssymmetrischer Schallwechseldruckverteilungen in Schlierenabbildungen. 15AD.
S. Olfert and B. Henning, “Analyse integral erfasster Schallwechseldruckverteilungen in Schlierenabbildungen,” in XXIX Messtechnisches Symposium, Berlin, München, Boston, 2015.
M. Webersen, F. Bause, and B. Henning, Application of Automatic Differentiation for the inverse parameter identification of complex-valued forward models. 2015.
L. Claes, F. Bause, J. Rautenberg, and B. Henning, “Detection of ultrasonic plate waves using ceramic strip transducers,” in Proceedings SENSOR 2015, 2015, pp. 775–779.
M. Webersen, F. Bause, J. Rautenberg, and B. Henning, “Identification of temperature-dependent model parameters of ultrasonic piezo-composite transducers,” in AMA Conferences 2015, Nürnberg, 2015, pp. 195–200.
M. Webersen, M. Karzellek, F. Bause, and B. Henning, Implementation and uncertainty analysis of a test device for electrical impedance measurements using vector network analyzers. 2015.
K. Kulshreshtha, B. Jurgelucks, F. Bause, J. Rautenberg, and C. Unverzagt, “Increasing the sensitivity of electrical impedance to piezoelectric material parameters with non-uniform electrical excitation.,” Journal of Sensors and Sensor Systems, vol. 4, pp. 217–227, 2015.
F. Bause, H. Gravenkamp, J. Rautenberg, and B. Henning, “Model based sensitivity analysis in the determination of viscoelastic material properties using transmission measurements through circular waveguides,” 2015, pp. 204–207.
K. Kulshreshtha, B. Jurgelucks, F. Bause, J. Rautenberg, and C. Unverzagt, On the optimal configuration of triple-ring-electrodes on piezoceramic transducers towards increased parameter sensitivity of impedance. .
B. Jurgelucks, K. Kulshreshtha, F. Bause, J. Rautenberg, and C. Unverzagt, On the optimal configuration of triple-ring-electrodes on piezoceramic transducers towards increased parameter sensitivity of impedance. .
S. Olfert and B. Henning, Schallfeldcharakterisierung mittels Schlierentechnik. Berlin: DEGA and {Deutsche Gesellschaft f{\"u}r Akustik e.V}, 2015, pp. 1560–1561.
F. Bause, H. Gravenkamp, J. Rautenberg, and B. Henning, “Transient modeling of ultrasonic guided waves in circular viscoelastic waveguides for inverse material characterization,” Measurement Science and Technology, vol. 26, no. 095602 (17pp), 2015.
F. Bause, H. Gravenkamp, J. Rautenberg, and B. Henning, “Transient modeling of ultrasonic guided waves in circular viscoelastic waveguides for inverse material characterization,” Measurement Science and Technology, 2015.
J. Rautenberg, F. Bause, and B. Henning, “Utilizing guided acoustic waves to measure dispersive material properties of polymers,” in AMA~Conferences 2015, 2015, pp. 130–135.
Show all publications
Publikationen 2010 bis 2014
F. Bause, J. Rautenberg, N. Feldmann, L. Claes, and B. Henning, Methoden zur Zeit-Frequenz-Analyse bei der Untersuchung dispersionsbehafteter Signale, vol. 8. DEGA-Symposium, Bad Honnef, 2014.
F. Bause, C. Brückner, J. Miedl, and B. Henning, “Model based sensitivity analysis of Leaky-Lamb wave propagation to the variation of viscous lubricant properties,” in Beiträge der 17. ITG/GMA-Fachtagung, 2014.
F. Bause, M. Webersen, J. Rautenberg, and B. Henning, Modeling and inverse identification of a high bandwidth ultrasonic measurement setup based on piezoelectric 1-3 composites. 2014.
F. Bause, M. Webersen, J. Rautenberg, and B. Henning, Modellbasierte inverse Identifikation von Ultraschall-Transducern anhand der elektrischen Eingangsimpendanz. 2014.
C. Hoof, S. Appelhans, and B. Henning, “Modellgestützte Analyse des Trocknungsverhaltens von Dispersionslacken aus Daten einer NIR-Multidetektoranordnung,” presented at the 17. ITG/GMA-Fachtagung Sensoren und Messsysteme, Nürnberg, 2014.
H. Gravenkamp, F. Bause, and S. Chongmin, “On the computation of dispersion curves for axisymmetric elastic waveguides using the Scaled Boundary Finite Element Method,” Computers and Structures, vol. 131, pp. 46–55, 2014.
S. Olfert, L. Claes, and B. Henning, “Rekonstruktion der räumlichen Schallwechseldruckverteilung unter Berücksichtigung der Orthogonalität optischer und akustischer Achsen beim Schlierenverfahren,” in Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2014, 2014, pp. 541–542.
C. Unverzagt and B. Henning, “Sensitivitätssteigerung im Rahmen eines inversen Ansatzes zur Materialparameterbestimmung für Piezokeramiken durch Elektrodenmodifikationen,” 2014, pp. 95–102.
F. Bause, A. Schroder, J. Rautenberg, B. Henning, and H. Gravenkamp, “Time-causal material modeling in the simulation of guided waves in circular viscoelastic waveguides,” in 2014 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, 2014.
F. Bause, D. Weber, J. Rautenberg, and B. Henning, “Unsicherheitsanalyse eines Vorwärtsmodells zur Simulation transienter Wellenausbreitung im Hohlzylinder,” presented at the 17. ITG/GMA-Fachtagung Sensoren und Messsysteme, Nürnberg, 2014.
C. Hoof, D. Wetzlar, and B. Henning, “3.2 - Infrared reflectance measurements of thin films with time variable surface roughness or texture,” presented at the 11. Internationaler Kongress für Optische Technologien in Sensorik und Messtechnik (OPTO 2013), Nürnberg, 2013.
A. Walther, F. Bause, and B. Henning, “A Comparison of Alternative Ways to Identify Singular Matrices,” presented at the 4rd Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (GAMM), Novi Sad, 2013.
K. Kulshreshtha, F. Bause, J. Rautenberg, and C. Unverzagt, “A modified electrode topology with increased sensitivity of electrical impedance to piezoelectic material parameters,” 2013.
F. Bause, J. Rautenberg, and B. Henning, “A3.2 - Design, modeling and identification of an ultrasonic composite transducer for target impedance independent short pulse generation,” presented at the 16. Internationaler Kongress für Sensoren und Messtechnik, Nürnberg, 2013.
A. Schröder and B. Henning, “B5.4 - Signal Processing for Single Transducer Distance Measurement Applications to Reduce the Blind Zone,” presented at the 16. Internationaler Kongress für Sensoren und Messtechnik (Sensor 2013), Nürnberg, 2013.
M. Schmitt et al., “Detection of coatings within liquid-filled tubes and containers by mode conversion of leaky Lamb waves,” Journal of Sensors and Sensor Systems, pp. 73–84, 2013.
A. Schröder and B. Henning, “Improved Signal Processing for an Ultrasonic Distance Sensor with Reduced Blind Zone,” in Proceedings of the International Conference on Acoustics, 2013.
S. Olfert, L. Claes, and B. Henning, “Influence of angular radiated ultrasound waves on the Schlieren tomogram,” in Proceedings of the International Conference on Acoustics, 2013, pp. 477–480.
A. Schröder and B. Henning, “Luftultraschall-Abstandsmessung mit digitaler Signalverarbeitung zur Verkürzung des Mindestabstandes,” tm - Technisches Messen, pp. 196–200, 2013.
J. Rautenberg, F. Bause, and B. Henning, “Messsystem zur Bestimmung akustischer Kenngrößen stark absorbierender, transversal isotroper Kunststoffe,” tm - Technisches Messen, pp. 28–37, 2013.
C. Hoof, D. Wetzlar, and B. Henning, “Modellgestützte NIR-Materialfeuchtemessung mittels Multidetektoranordnung,” Technisches Messen, no. 12, pp. 435–441, 2013.
C. Unverzagt, J. Rautenberg, B. Henning, and K. Kulshreshtha, “Modified electrode shape for the improved determination of piezoelectric material parameters,” in Proceedings of the 2013 International Congress on Ultrasonics, 2013, pp. 758–763.
M. Schmitt, S. Olfert, J. Rautenberg, G. Lindner, B. Henning, and L. Reindl, “Multi Reflection of Lamb Wave Emission in an Acoustic Waveguide Sensor,” Sensors, pp. 2777–2785, 2013.
F. Bause, A. Walther, J. Rautenberg, and B. Henning, “Reliable Computation of Roots in Analytical Waveguide Modeling Using an Interval-Newton Approach and Algorithmic Differentiation,” Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, vol. 60, no. 12, pp. 2597–2606, 2013.
F. Bause, B. Huang, A. Kunoth, and B. Henning, “Ultrasonic Waveguide Signal Decomposition Using the Synchrosqueezed Wavelet Transform for Modal Group Delay Computation,” presented at the IEEE-UFFC Joint Symposia Prague, Czech Republic, 2013.
C. Hoof, D. Wetzlar, and B. Henning, “Untersuchung zum Trocknungsverhalten poröser Materialien durch NIR-Reflexionsmessungen,” presented at the 7. CMM Tagung, Innovative Feuchtemessung in Forschung und Praxis, Weima, 2013, pp. 27–38.
F. Bause, C. Unverzagt, A. Walther, and B. Henning, “Utilizing interval-Newton approach for the reliable computation of roots in analytical waveguide modeling,” presented at the International Congress on Ultrasonics (ICU 2013), Singapore, 2013, pp. 504–509.
F. Bause, C. Budde, J. Rautenberg, B. Henning, and E. Moritzer, “Utilizing ultrasound material parameter determination for the characterization of different stages of ageing in Polyamide 6,” presented at the IEEE-UFFC Joint Symposia, Prague, Czech Republic, 2013, pp. 504–509.
M. Zubtsoc et al., “2D phononic crystal sensor with normal incidence of sound,” Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, vol. 186, pp. 118–124, 2012.
A. Schröder and B. Henning, “Blindzonenfreie Ultraschall-Abstandsmessung mit codierten Sendesignalen,” presented at the 16. GMA/ITG-Fachtagung. Sensoren und Messsysteme, Nürnberg, 2012, pp. 352–360.
A. Walther, F. Bause, and B. Henning, “Computing roots for the analytic modeling of guided waves in acoustic waveguides,” presented at the 83rd Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (GAMM), Darmstadt, 2012.
J. Rautenberg, Ein wellenleiterbasiertes Verfahren zur Bestimmung von Materialdaten für die realitätsnahe Simulation von Schallausbreitungsphänomenen am Beispiel stark absorbierender Kunststoffe. Paderborn: Elektrotechnik, 2012.
J. Rautenberg, F. Bause, and B. Henning, “Geführte akustische Wellen zur Flüssigkeitscharakterisierung,” tm - Technisches Messen, pp. 135–142, 2012.
J. Rautenberg, F. Bause, and B. Henning, “Geführte akustische Wellen zur Flüssigkeitscharakterisierung,” Technisches Messen, vol. 79, no. 3, pp. 135–142, 2012.
C. Hoof, J. Schlottmann, D. Wetzlar, and B. Henning, “Konzepte zur Regelung der Strahlungsleistung pulsbetriebener IR-Emitter,” in 16. GMA/ITG-Fachtagung. Sensoren und Messsysteme, 2012, pp. 748–757.
F. Bause, C. Budde, J. Rautenberg, B. Henning, and E. Moritzer, “Korrelation hochfrequenter und quasistatischer Materialkenngrössen zur Charakterisierung verschiedener Alterungsstadien von Polyamid 6,” presented at the 38. Jahrestagung für Akustik (DAGA 2012), Darmstadt, 2012.
A. Schröder and B. Henning, “Luftultraschall-Abstandsmessung mit digitaler Signalverarbeitung zur Verkürzung des Mindestabstandes,” presented at the XXVI. Messtechnisches Symposium des AHMT, Aachen, 2012, pp. 143–152.
J. Rautenberg, F. Bause, and B. Henning, “Messsystem zur Bestimmung akustischer Kenngrößen stark absorbierender, transversal isotroper Kunststoffe,” presented at the 16. GMA/ITG-Fachtagung. Sensoren und Messsysteme, Nürnberg, 2012, pp. 332–343.
F. Bause, A. Walther, and B. Henning, “Numerische Nullstellensuche in Determinantenfunktionen mittels Intervallarithmetik und algorithmischem Differenzieren,” 13AD.
S. Olfert and B. Henning, “Rekonstruktion der Phaseninformation aus Schlierenaufnahmen,” 2012, pp. 939–940.
F. Bause, J. Rautenberg, and B. Henning, Sensitivity study of signal characteristics for an inverse waveguide based approach of material characterization. 2012.
B. Henning, “Trends im Design von Ultraschallsensoren,” 16AD.
B. Henning and J. Rautenberg, “Ultrasonic sensors for process applications,” 18AD.
J. Rautenberg, S. Olfert, F. Bause, and B. Henning, “Validation of analytically modeled Leaky Lamb radiation using Schlieren photography,” presented at the IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, Dresden, 2012.
F. Bause, J. Rautenberg, and B. Henning, “Analyzing the effect of adhered metal electrodes on piezoelectric elements using different types of adhesives,” presented at the 10th International Conference on Electronic Measurement & Instruments (ICEMI), Chengdu, China, 2011, vol. 3, pp. 18–23.
F. Bause, “Die Auswirkung verschiedener Klebungen auf das Verhalten eines piezoelektrischen Wandlers,” 20AD.
C. Unverzagt and B. Henning, “Finite element simulation of single ultrasonic transducer with segmented electrodes to adjust the directional characteristic,” presented at the International Congress on Ultrasonics (ICU 2011), Gdansk, Poland, 2011.
A. Schröder and B. Henning, “Luftultraschall-Abstandsmessung mit verkürztem Mindestabstand,” presented at the 7. Jahrestagung für Akustik (DAGA 2011), Düsseldorf, 2011.
A. Schröder and B. Henning, “Model based separation of transmitted and received signal for single transducer distance measurement applications,” 2011.
B. Henning and A. Schröder, “Ultrasonic distance sensors - An overview and trends,” Journal of Electronic Measurement and Instrument, vol. 25, no. 7, pp. 577–581, 2011.
F. Bause, S. Olfert, A. Schröder, J. Rautenberg, B. Henning, and E. Moritzer, “Ultrasonic Nondestructive Testing of composite materials using disturbed coincidence conditions,” Journal of Electronic Measurement and Instrument , 2011.
J. Rautenberg, S. J. Rupitsch, B. Henning, and R. Lerch, “Utilizing an Analytical Approximation for c44E to Enhance the Inverse Method for Material Parameter Identification of Piezoceramics,” in 7th International Workshop on Direct and Inverse Problems in Piezoelectricity, 2011.
S. Olfert and B. Henning, “Vergleich zwischen der Schlierenmethode nach Toepler und der Hintergrundschlierenmethode zur Bestimmung akustischer Grössen eines Ultraschallwandlers,” presented at the 37. Jahrestagung für Akustik (DAGA 2011), Düsseldorf, 2011.
C. Unverzagt, S. Olfert, and B. Henning, “A new method of spatial filtering for Schlieren visualization of ultrasound wave fields,” Physics Procedia, pp. 935–942, 2010.
F. Bause and B. Henning, “Adaptives Mode-Tracing und numerische Stabilisierung modellierter Anregungsstrukturen für die halbanalytische Simulation geführter Wellen,” 21AD.
F. Bause, J. Rautenberg, and B. Henning, “An improved mode-tracing algorithm to compute dispersion curves of acoustic waveguides,” presented at the IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS 2010), San Diego, California, 2010, pp. 719–722.
B. Henning, Effizientes Ultraschalltransducerdesign und Methoden zur akustischen Materialdatenbestimmung. 15AD.
F. Bause, J. Rautenberg, and B. Henning, “Entwicklung und Parametrisierung eines Mode-Tracing Algorithmus für halbanalytische Solver,” presented at the 36. Jahrestagung für Akustik (DAGA 2010), Berlin, 2010, pp. 1027–1028.
A. Schröder, J. Rautenberg, and B. Henning, “Evaluation of cost functions for FEA based transducer optimization,” Physics Procedia, pp. 1003–1009, 2010.
F. Bause, Halbanalytische Modellierung akustischer Wellenausbreitung im ein- und mehrschichtigen Wellenleiter. 21AD.
A. Schröder and B. Henning, “Improved system identification for simultaneous transmitting and receiving in single transducer applications,” presented at the IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS 2010), San Diego, California, 2010, pp. 141–144.
A. Schröder and B. Henning, “Interfaceschaltung für einen simultanen Sende- und Empfangsbetrieb mit einem einzelnen Ultraschallwandler,” 2010, pp. 1025–1026.
A. Schröder et al., Messrohr für einen Ultraschall-Durchflussmesser und Ultraschall Durchflussmesser. 2010.
B. Henning, “PC gestützte Entwicklung von Ultraschallsensoren,” 9AD.
Show all publications
Publikationen 1998 bis 2009
D. Wetzlar and M. Krumme, “Berührungslose Materialfeuchtemessung nach dem NIR-Prinzip bei schnell variierendem Messgutabstand,” in 4. CMM-Workshop Innovative Feuchtemessung in Forschung und Praxis, Bad Herrenalb, 2009, pp. 101–111.
B. Henning, J. Rautenberg, C. Unverzagt, A. Schröder, and S. Olfert, “Computer assisted design of transducers for ultrasonic sensor systems,” Journal of Measurement Science and Technology, MST, vol. 20, no. 124012 (11pp), 2009.
J. Rautenberg, S. Olfert, and B. Henning, “Generating of short ultrasonic pulses using active damping,” presented at the NAG / DAGA 2009, Int. Conf. on Acoustics, Rotterdam, Netherlands, 2009, pp. 148–151.
B. Henning, Methoden und Werkzeuge für einen effizienten Ultraschallsensorentwurf. 15AD.
B. Henning, “Trends in ultrasonic transducer design,” presented at the 9th International Conference on Electronic Measurement & Instruments (ICEMI 2009), Beijing, China, 2009.
B. Henning, J. Rautenberg, A. Schröder, and C. Unverzagt, “Ultrasonic Sensors for Process Applications - Sensor Design,” in Proceedings Sensor 2009, 2009, pp. 47–52.
B. Henning, “Editorial: XXI. Messtechnisches Symposium des Arbeitskreises der Hochschullehrer für Messtechnik (AHMT), Paderborn, 20.--22.09.2007,” Technisches Messen, no. 4, pp. 217–220, 2008.
J. Rautenberg and B. Henning, “Separation und Bewertung verschiedener Moden der Schallausbreitung im akustischen Wellenleiter,” 2008.
J. Rautenberg and B. Henning, “Simultaneous direct and indirect measurement of sound velocities,” presented at the Eurosensors XXII, Dresden, 2008, pp. 148–151.
B. Henning, Tomografische Ultraschallmessverfahren für die Prozessmesstechnik. 28AD.
B. Henning, Ultraschall-Messtechnik und Ultraschall-Tomografie. 29AD.
J. Rautenberg et al., “Verfahren zur Bestimmung einer Eigenschaft eines strömenden Mediums.” 2008.
B. Henning, “Verfahren zur Bestimmung einer Eigenschaft eines strömenden Mediums sowie Ultraschallzähler.” 2008.
B. Henning and J. Rautenberg, “Acoustical waveguides for sensor applications,” presented at the International Congress on Ultrasonics (ICU), Wien, 2007.
J. Rautenberg and B. Henning, “Measurement of the acoustic properties of highly absorbing synthetic polymers,” in Proceedings of the International Congress on Ultrasonics, 2007.
J. Rautenberg and B. Henning, “New approach for the reliable measurement of acoustic impedance of liquids in an acoustic waveguide,” presented at the 13th International Conference Sensor + Test 2007, Nürnberg, 2007, vol. II, pp. 87–92.
B. Henning, Schallfeldsimulation für die Ultraschallmesstechnik. 2007, pp. 40–42.
T. Vössing, J. Rautenberg, and B. Henning, “Sensorelektronik zur Bestimmung von Reflexionen sensoroberflächennaher Schichten,” in Fortschritte der Akustik, 2007.
T. Vössing, J. Rautenberg, and B. Henning, “Sensorelektronik zur Bestimmung von Reflexionen sensoroberflächennaher Schichten,” in Fortschritte der Akustik, Stuttgar, 2007.
J. Rautenberg and B. Henning, “Separation of mode-specific signals in a fluid-filled circular waveguide,” in Proceedings of the International Congress on Ultrasonics, 2007.
T. Vössing, J. Rautenberg, R. Kehl, and B. Henning, “Simultaneous transmitting and receiving with ultrasonic sensors,” presented at the 3th International Conference Sensor + Test 2007, Nuremberg, 2007.
H.-M. Sonnenberg, A. Schmidt-Schoenian, J. Rautenberg, C. Unverzagt, R. Kehl, and B. Henning, Ultraschallzähler. 2007.
T. Vössing, J. Rautenberg, A. Schröder, and B. Henning, “Ultrasonic measurement of the characteristic acoustic impedance using a directional coupler to analyse reference reflections from thin layers,” presented at the 8th International Conference on Electronic Measurement & Instruments, ICEMI 2007, Xi’An, China, 2007.
D. Wetzlar, B. Henning, S. Nolte, and J. Klahold, “Investigation of colour phenomena in condensed water droplets,” presented at the OPTO & IRS2 2006 Conference, Nürenberg, 2006.
J. Rautenberg and B. Henning, “Messung der akustischen Impedanz einer Flüssigkeit in einem akustischen Wellenleiter,” presented at the XX. Messtechnisches Symposium 2006 (AHMT), Bayreuth, 2006, pp. 55–73.
C. Unverzagt, J. Rautenberg, R. Kehl, and B. Henning, “Optimization of ultrasound reflecting mirrors,” in 2006 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, 2006, pp. 1390–1393.
B. Henning and J. Rautenberg, “Process monitoring using ultrasonic sensor systems,” Ultrasonics, no. 44, pp. e1395–e1399, 2006.
R. Kehl, J. Rautenberg, and B. Henning, “Schwingungsverhalten eines flüssigkeitsgefüllten Tanks,” presented at the 32. Deutsche Jahrestagung für Akustik (DAGA 2006), Braunschweig, 2006, pp. 407–408.
R. Kehl, R. Stroop, D. Oliva Uribe, T. Hemsel, and B. Henning, “Tactile sensors for determination of elastic properties of brain tissue mimicking phantoms,” presented at the Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Computer- und Roboterassistierte Chirurgie (CURAC 2006), Hannover, 2006.
J. Rautenberg and B. Henning, “Acoustic properties of highly attenuating isotropic media,” presented at the 6th World Congress on Ultrasonics (WCU 2005), Beijing, China, 2005.
M. Gulsch and B. Henning, Bestimmung des Anteils ungelöster Gase in flüssigen Medien. 2005.
M. Gulsch and B. Henning, “Bubble detection and gas volume measurement in bubble loaded liquids with pulse driven measurement devices,” in 2005 IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium, 2005, pp. 780–782.
J. Rautenberg and B. Henning, “Charakterisierung einzelner Ultraschallwandler für den Aufbau eines mehrelementigen parametrischen Lautsprechers,” in Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA ’05, 2005, pp. 491–492.
M. Gulsch and B. Henning, “Gasvolumenmessung in blasenbeladenen Flüssigkeiten,” in Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA ’05, 2005, pp. 587–588.
J. Rautenberg and B. Henning, “Lower Frequency Bound of Parametric Arrays,” presented at the Workshop on piezoelectric materials and applications in actuators, Paderborn, 2005.
P. Handel, A. Tournier, and B. Henning, “Quantum 1/f Effect in Resonant Biochemical Piezoelectric and MEMS Sensors,” IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, vol. 52, no. 9, pp. 1461–1467, 2005.
M. Gulsch, C. Unverzagt, B. Henning, and S. Nolte, “Visualisation and Measurement of Condensed Water in Automobile Headlights,” presented at the Sensor/Test 2005, Nürnberg, 2005, pp. 455–460.
P. Handel and B. Henning, “1/f-Frequency Fluctations and Phase Noise in MEMS Resonators,” presented at the 28th Workshop on Compound Semiconductor Devices and Integrated Circuits (WOCSDICE), Smolenice, Slovakia, 2004, pp. 88–89.
J. Rautenberg, D. Olszewski, and B. Henning, “A Space Optimization Method for Time-Reversal Super-Focusing,” in Proceedings of the Joint Congress CFA/DAGA 2004, 2004, pp. 1021–1022.
B. Henning, “Die akustische Impedanz als Messgröße zur Charakterisierung flüssiger Stoffsysteme,” Technisches Messen, vol. 71, no. 9, pp. 492–500, 2004.
M. Gulsch and B. Henning, “Neue Methoden der Signalauswertung für Ultraschall-Messsysteme,” presented at the GMA/ITG-Fachtagung: Sensoren und Messsysteme, Ludwigsburg, 2004, p. 31.
M. Gulsch, B. Henning, S. Prange, and J. Auge, “Approach of continuous characterisation of liquid multi-component mixtures,” presented at the 5th World Congress on Ultrasonics, Paris, France, 2003, pp. 243–246.
B. Henning, J. Rautenberg, M. Gulsch, and S. Klüppel, “The Use of Time-Reversal Technology for Level Measurement in Liquid Tanks,” in SENSOR~Proceedings, 2003.
B. Henning, Ultraschall-Impedanz-Spektrometrie zur Erfassung von Stoff- und Strukturgrößen. 2003.
M. Gulsch, B. Henning, S. Prange, and J. Auge, “Ultrasonic Detection of Gas Bubbles in Liquids,” presented at the International Conference Material Testing and Research, Nuremberg, 2003, pp. 199–203.
J. Auge, K. Dierks, B. Henning, and S. Prange, Vorrichtung zur Bestimmung des Volumens, der Oberflächenspannung und der Viskosität von Flüssigkeitstropfen. 2003.
J. Auge, K. Dierks, B. Henning, and S. Prange, Vorrichtung zur Bestimmung des Volumens, der Oberflächenspannung und der Viskosität von Flüssigkeitstropfen. 2003.
A. Püttmer, R. Lucklum, B. Henning, and P. Hauptmann, “Improved ultrasonic density sensor with reduced diffraction influence,” Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, pp. 8–12, 2002.
J. Auge, K. Dierks, S. Prange, and B. Henning, “Monitoring of droplet growth with nano-litre resolution for liquid flow rate, level or surface tension measurement,” presented at the 16th European Conference on Solid-State Transducers (Eurosensors XVI), Prag, 2002, vol. 5–12, pp. 375–378.
J. Auge, K. Dierks, S. Prange, and B. Henning, “Monitoring of droplet growth with nano-litre resolution for liquid flow rate, level or surface tension measurement,” presented at the 16th European Conference on Solid-State Transducers (Eurosensors XVI), Prag, 2002, vol. 5–12, pp. 375–378.
A. Püttmer, N. Hoppe, B. Henning, and P. Hauptmann, “Ultrasonic density sensor - analysis of errors due to thin layers of deposits on the sensor surface,” Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, pp. 122–126, 2002.
A. Puttmer, P. Hauptmann, and B. Henning, “Ultrasonic density sensor for liquids,” IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control, pp. 85–92, 2002.
B. Henning, S. Prange, K. Dierks, and P.-C. Daur, “Quality inspection and characterisation of ultrasonic sensor properties using a PC-controlled scanning measuring system,” presented at the Internationaler MAT Kongress für Materialprüfung und –forschung (Test 2001 und Sensor 2001), Nürnberg, 2001, vol. A8.2.
Y. L. Cha, B. Hitzmann, K.-H. Bellgardt, P.-C. Daur, and B. Henning, “Ultraschallgeschwindigkeitsmessung zum Bioprozessmonitoring,” presented at the DECHEMA - Jahrestagung der Biotechnologen, Leipzig, 2001, p. 226.
B. Henning, P.-C. Daur, S. Prange, K. Dierks, and P. Hauptmann, “In-line concentration measurement in complex liquids using ultrasonic sensors,” Ultrasonics, pp. 799–803, 2000.
B. Henning, P.-C. Daur, S. Prange, and K. Dierks, In-Line-Flüssigkeitsanalysator für verfahrenstechnische Prozesse. 1998, pp. 165–172.
P. Hauptmann, R. Lucklum, A. Püttmer, and B. Henning, “Ultrasonic sensors for process monitoring and chemical analysis state of the art and trends,” Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, vol. 67, no. 1–3, pp. 32–48, 1998.
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