
Three sub­mis­sions from Pader­born on the "Best Stu­dent Pa­per Award Short­l­ist" of ITG Con­fer­ence on Speech Com­mu­nic­a­tion

The ITG Conference on Speech Communication is the largest conference on machine processing of speech in Germany. This year, it was organized by the "Digital Signal Processing and System Theory" group of the Christian-Albrechts-University Kiel under the general chair of  Prof. Gerhard Schmidt. Three contributions from our Communications Engineering Department at Paderborn University made it on the 12 submissions long "Best Student Paper Award" shortlist, which is more than from any other research group participating in the conference:

  • "On Source-Microphone Distance Estmation Using Convolutional Recurrent Neural Networks" by Tobias Gburrek, Jörg Schmalenströer and Reinhold Häb-Umbach
  • "A Comparision and Combination of Unsupervised Blind Source Sepration Techniques" by Christoph Böddeker, Frederik Rautenberg and Reinhold Häb-Umbach
  • "Speeding Up Permutation Invariant Training for Source Separation" by Thilo von Neumann, Christoph Böddeker, Keisuke Kinoshita, Marc Delcroix and Reinhold Häb-Umbach

Congratulations to this great success! We also extend our congratulations to Ragini Sinha, Marvin Tammen, Christian Rollwage and Simon Doclo for their paper "Speaker-conditioned Target Speaker Extraction Based on Customized LSTM Cells", which won the Best Student Paper Award.

unchanged picture from Vde-öa, license: