
18.11.2021, 1:00 p.m.: Pro­ject pre­sen­ta­ti­on: "Com­pa­ri­son of dif­fe­rent Ex­pli­cit Time In­te­gra­ti­on Me­thods on Dis­con­ti­nous Ga­ler­kin Time Do­main Sche­me"

Dear colleagues, dear students,

on Thursday, the 18th of November, the following project presentation takes place:

Title: "Comparison of different Explicit Time Integration Methods on Discontinous Galerkin Time Domain Scheme"

Lecturers: Qinyuan Yang and Yunlyu Wang

Language: English

Time: 01:00 p.m.

Please, use this link to access the conference.

Meeting-ID: 983 3529 7796

Code: 502978

We welcome everyone to join us!