
During our office hours we are always reachable by phone, outside of office hours our office is unfortunately not always occupied.

If we are not available, you can leave us a message on our answering machine and we will get back to you. Furthermore, we are of course always available for enquiries by email or via our contact form. You can come by during our office hours at any time, a prior appointment is not necessary.

We also ask you to make as much use as possible of our consultation hours, as we would like to offer you a personal service.

Our con­tact de­tails

Study Advice Electrical Engineering
Institute for Electrical Engineering and Information Technology
Faculty of Computer Science, Electrical Engineering and Mathematics
University of Paderborn

Warburger Straße 100
Office: P1.3.38
33098 Paderborn

Tel: 05251-60-3202
Fax: 05251-60-3873

Email: studienberatung[at]

Directions to our office